Re: Should Prostitution be Legalized in the US?
I personally could care less or know whether a man is cheating on his wife or not. I'm no moralist.:dunno: It is up to each individual person/couple to determine what they feel is 'cheating'.
I didn't get your question at all:dunno: ,but what I'm saying is someone who is watching/pleasuring himself by watching a woman engaged in prosttution(get PAID to have sex on film)yet pass harsh judgements on 'sex workers' is a hypocrite. Porn stars get PAID to have actual sex.Period. Last time I checked getting PAID for sex is prostitution & criminalizing it is absurd as women have been trading sex for favors since the beginning of time & will until the end. And no amount of hypocritical self righteousnerss will end it.
One is fantasy, the other is reality. This conversation has been had before in another thread somewhere already, so I won't go further into it.
Let me ask you this though:
You are saying that paying to watch somebody have sex in a porn is no different than paying someone to have sex with you, as you claim both are prostitution. Correct?
Well, if you honestly believe that paying to watch porn on your computer (or on DVD) is no different than paying to actually have sex with a prostitute, then...
Wouldn't every single married guy who watches porn be cheating on his wife? :dunno:
I personally could care less or know whether a man is cheating on his wife or not. I'm no moralist.:dunno: It is up to each individual person/couple to determine what they feel is 'cheating'.
I didn't get your question at all:dunno: ,but what I'm saying is someone who is watching/pleasuring himself by watching a woman engaged in prosttution(get PAID to have sex on film)yet pass harsh judgements on 'sex workers' is a hypocrite. Porn stars get PAID to have actual sex.Period. Last time I checked getting PAID for sex is prostitution & criminalizing it is absurd as women have been trading sex for favors since the beginning of time & will until the end. And no amount of hypocritical self righteousnerss will end it.