Legal advice... old lady rear-ended my car today at stoplight

hit from behind
and my back hurts
and my kids were in the car

she says to me "no harm done, no harm done"

i got her info, tag, and took phone pics but didnt call 911

what would you do, any law folks on FO? this is florida by the way

Should have called 911 anyway, especially since your kids were in the car. At this point though at least call your insurance company and get a claim rolling...just to cover ya ass.
Call the police right now and get a report drawn up. If you follow it up with anything else is a decision for later, but do the official bit now.

just my 2 cents, but if you end up with big medical bills later, you need to have something concrete to go on.
You shoud've cracked the bitches skull with a tire iron.

But as you pussied out of doing that (in front of your own family no less (the shame of it) :facepalm:). File a police report, get her address, take your wife and kids over to her house and have them film it as you do something you should have done in the first place!

Problem solved.


Hiliary 2020
dude you need a police report.
did the police even come to the scene?
if not get one first thing in the morning.
contact your insurance company.
and if anyone has pain go to a hospital or doctor and get examined.
these are no brainers.

Then if you want to pursue more legal action contact an attorney such as the law firm of Dewey, Cheetham & Howe

oh but florida......uff.
I hit an old man in near clearwater on his passenger side with my front end.
because he blew a stop sign and drove full speed right through an intersection.
the police report said it was my fault because i hit him.
yep, florida takes care of their old timers.
hit from behind
and my back hurts
and my kids were in the car

she says to me "no harm done, no harm done"

i got her info, tag, and took phone pics but didnt call 911

what would you do, any law folks on FO? this is florida by the way

Just for her saying that, as if it's up to her, you should

oh but florida......uff.
I hit an old man in near clearwater on his passenger side with my front end.
because he blew a stop sign and drove full speed right through an intersection.
the police report said it was my fault because i hit him.
yep, florida takes care of their old timers.

Ridiculous. Old people should not be allowed to drive. And here I thought women couldn't drive.
hit from behind
and my back hurts
and my kids were in the car

she says to me "no harm done, no harm done"

i got her info, tag, and took phone pics but didnt call 911

what would you do, any law folks on FO? this is florida by the way

Well, fuck what she says...if you have damages (to you, your children or property) and she caused them she (likely by way of her insurance company) is liable. Simple as that.

Now the point is proving your case. Like some have mentioned..a police report helps and as some mentioned calling the cops in this case (not necessarily 911 as you didn't have an emergency it doesn't sound) would have been the thing to do since it appears she was clearly in the wrong.

If you have any other disinterested parties (people other than your kids) who are willing to give their version in affidavit or testimony is another help to your case.

The next thing is determining and establishing what damages you have...if you're injured you go to have it checked and diagnosed. Whatever that costs you in lost income, diagnoses or treatment is something she's liable for. Certainly any damage to your car....

Assume you will have to go to court even if you don't. The easiest way to have your damages attended to is to let your insurance company go after her insurance company to recoup your damages.

Failing that... sue her, prove your damages, prove her liability and get your judgment.

Incidentally, in minor accidents it is much better to collect witnesses than necessarily get the police involved when the liability is unclear. Usually both people get the hit on their driving record when the cop files the report.

A line of witness who saw what happen and support your version on the spot is in some ways more effective in making the other person see their fault.

A cop is just going to write up what the both of you tell him and make his determination that you'll find out later.

In court a judge may inquire about why you didn't get a report...simply tell them you initially thought the damages would be less than $250...really it's up to you whether to get the cops involved at the risk of getting your driving record affected.


Hiliary 2020
eh, blah blah blah.
I'm sorry, I meant to say call Dewey, Cheetum, Howe & HotMega

call your insurance company, they'll know what to do.
simple as that.
oh but florida......uff.
I hit an old man in near clearwater on his passenger side with my front end.
because he blew a stop sign and drove full speed right through an intersection.
the police report said it was my fault because i hit him.
yep, florida takes care of their old timers.

When you hit someone it is almost always your fault because it's presumed you had the chance to stop and avoid the accident if you were doing what the law requires of you as a driver.

If road conditions are clear and you hit someone that is at minimum mutually liability and most often majority your liability in all jurisdictions.

In a case where someone rear-ends another is the person's fault who rear-ended because it is presumed they didn't leave enough car length's distance for the speed to prevent a rear-end collision.

In your particular case, not only did you t-bone the had the duty to make sure the intersection is clear before you enter it...even if you have the right-of-way. T-boning the guy establishes clearly you didn't (in the eyes of legal liability).
Porn, politics, business and legal advice can all be found here on the pages of Freeones. Your one stop shop for the best info on the web.

You can put the check in the mail Petra


Hiliary 2020
oh shutup!

yeah when you rear end someone its pretty much automatically your fault. correct.

in the case i stated i was just driving along doin the speed limit, hands on the road, eyes across the wheel when some crown vic comes shootin through the intersection going at least 40 -50.
I only had a split second to react and i turned to the right, but still nailing him with my left front corner then with my left side.

man if i was 6 feet more ahead he would have creamed my passenger side with that beast, full speed. And i was in an 86 Fiero!
no, he broke the law but running the stop sign but the super trooper didn't care, but if my tits were bigger i bet he would have.
You took photos. Right now get that police report. Also tell the police she was sexually harassing you after the crash. She showed you her gray haired, droopy pussy lips and she asked: How about I pay you with this, big boy?

Go on and say she shat her pants from incontinence, you politely declined her sexual advance seeing as you have kids and all that, she grew furious and started flinging poo at you she just freshly dropped out of her nightgown.

When you tried to leave she solicited prostitution. Since she isn't Native American you said: Hell naw, gurl!

Everything should work out for you.
oh shutup!

yeah when you rear end someone its pretty much automatically your fault. correct.

in the case i stated i was just driving along doin the speed limit, hands on the road, eyes across the wheel when some crown vic comes shootin through the intersection going at least 40 -50.
I only had a split second to react and i turned to the right, but still nailing him with my left front corner then with my left side.

man if i was 6 feet more ahead he would have creamed my passenger side with that beast, full speed. And i was in an 86 Fiero!
no, he broke the law but running the stop sign but the super trooper didn't care, but if my tits were bigger i bet he would have.

Does not should be in control of your car at all times.

And the fact that you t-boned the other car goes to show that they were clearly in the intersection before you.

If you were paying attention as you say, you could have stopped to avoid it, clearly you were not. Myabe you should have looked to either side before you went though the intersection Mr. Tunnel Vision.
oh shutup!

yeah when you rear end someone its pretty much automatically your fault. correct.

in the case i stated i was just driving along doin the speed limit, hands on the road, eyes across the wheel when some crown vic comes shootin through the intersection going at least 40 -50.
I only had a split second to react and i turned to the right, but still nailing him with my left front corner then with my left side.

man if i was 6 feet more ahead he would have creamed my passenger side with that beast, full speed. And i was in an 86 Fiero!
no, he broke the law but running the stop sign but the super trooper didn't care, but if my tits were bigger i bet he would have.

So had you asked the trooper at the time...he would have explained to you then what I just explained to you now. Or is it more likely the reality the cop just wanted to make his own law and blame you??:rolleyes:

BTW, the answer on any driving quiz is ALWAYS going to be "when the intersection is clear"...not "when the light is green".:2 cents:


Member, you member...
Police report, or it's "she said, he said" shit.

I'm glad nothing too terrible happened to you and the kids.


Hiliary 2020
Does not should be in control of your car at all times.

And the fact that you t-boned the other car goes to show that they were clearly in the intersection before you.

If you were paying attention as you say, you could have stopped to avoid it, clearly you were not. Myabe you should have looked to either side before you went though the intersection Mr. Tunnel Vision.

thank you for the comment internet pest.
yeah i guess they were there about 1/4 of a second before me.
and don't consider the fact of 2 vehicles both going through an intersection at about 45 mph at the exact same time and the speed in which that happens.
or the fact that it happened because one person went through a stop sign at full speed.
there is a thing called human reaction time which by me was pretty damn good in this case which avoided dead on impact.
there is also vehicle reaction time from the time you turn the wheel until the time the car turns at a particular speed.

but yeah, i guess it was my fault.