Her Boyfriend isn’t black. But why does it matter who she follows, no matter the race. I’ll never understand fans who concern themselves with anything other than the material they actress is putting out. None of us are going to fuck her, nor will we ever see a hardcore video, so why does it matter??? And who refers to a person as a BBC? Like...what? I would think most people do realize that pornstars are no more reflective of regular people, then NBA players. Some guys are born with 10 inch plus penises, and cum on command, and those are the type of men film companies seek. Besides who’s to say she’s having sex with all of them? Or any of them? Or maybe she’s screwed them all, either way doesn’t concern us. Now the day she signs up for Brazzers, we can start discussing who she’s screwing or not screwing, until then it’s all a mute point.