Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
In our bedroom we have ours up high so we can lay around in bed like logs and watch it...
Anyone have issues with a TV above a fireplace though? I would think you would need to set up some kind of circulation system to keep the high heat from reaching your TV..
I just got curious so I measured the one in my bedroom (also above a gas fireplace). The set is a 42" LCD and the bottom is 57" from the floor. And from where we plop our heads, it's about 13 feet away. But laying in bed, you're already angled up, so that probably doesn't help him (if it's in a living room?).
Before I picked mine up, the guy at the A/V shop had me run my fireplace for about 3 hours and then measure the temp in the area where the set would go. If the temp exceeded 90 degree F, he said it wouldn't be a good idea to mount it there. Because of the design of the fireplace cabinet, it never got above room temp/80 degrees.