Laws require flags to be born in USA


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Well...that kind of makes sense to me. You can't really be showing your support for America when you're spending money on something that was made in another country.

It's God Bless America, not God Bless...Outsourcing?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Well at least something is actually made in the U.S. for once! Bout damn time!
Yeah we can all get jobs making flags when everything else is gone.:dunno:
I personally try to buy "Made in the USA" when possible, but one trend that really bothers me is all the patriotic packaging that is made overseas. I can't believe how much clothing emblazoned with logos like "100% American" or something like that is made overseas.
Well...that kind of makes sense to me. You can't really be showing your support for America when you're spending money on something that was made in another country.

It's God Bless America, not God Bless...Outsourcing?

I believe the same thing holds true for some GM products, many of which are made outside the US despite their "America / Red, White and Blue / country life / USA", motif and ads.
Well...that kind of makes sense to me. You can't really be showing your support for America when you're spending money on something that was made in another country.

It's God Bless America, not God Bless...Outsourcing?

It makes sense to me... a law seems a bit harsh though. But if there is now law then the cheaper made in China ones will sell and no one will buy the more expensive made in US ones
I don't see why this would bother them now. The lawmakers all over this country have pretty much turned greed for the bottom line into the American way while taking out handouts from businesses. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them don't even remembered the first time they sold out. It's sort of sadly fitting. If that bothers them what about all the more significant stuff that isn't symbolic but has more of a negative impact that they don't care about?


A flag is an inanimate object, therefore it can't be "born in the USA", but it can be made in the USA
I don't see why this would bother them now. The lawmakers all over this country have pretty much turned greed for the bottom line into the American way while taking out handouts from businesses. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them don't even remembered the first time they sold out. It's sort of sadly fitting. If that bothers them what about all the more significant stuff that isn't symbolic but has more of a negative impact that they don't care about?

Yep they will wave them american made flags at ya while they sell you down the river and make america a land of the rich and the rest.
I don't see why this would bother them now. The lawmakers all over this country have pretty much turned greed for the bottom line into the American way while taking out handouts from businesses. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them don't even remembered the first time they sold out. It's sort of sadly fitting. If that bothers them what about all the more significant stuff that isn't symbolic but has more of a negative impact that they don't care about?

Yep they will wave them american made flags at ya while they sell you down the river and make america a land of the rich and the rest.

I don't know if it's just me/we/us that see that, although the local radio talk show seems to be taking call ins on that a lot more now. Is everyone finally catching on to this?
It may be all symbolic nationalism and there certainly are many more real issues, but I'd very much dislike if the majority of my country's flags were being made abroad.
Not that I think that a law is required. I'd rather view it more as a custom. We have some that are more strange than that anyway.
This was also the case here on the "yellow ribbons" stickers on cars as well as the "pink ribbons" for breast cancer. Many were bootleg and offered nothing to the charities they were designed for. The yellow ribbons were made in 3rd world countries who I guess caught on to how

I also think there were some Lance Armstrong wrist braclets for cancer cure that were bootlegged. People don't care, it's the style not the charity. You want to just look like you give a crap.
On the question of Americans waking up to what is happening AFA I agree some of us are but the sad fact is that it usually takes a crisis effecting many to move masses towards any real change.I'm afraid we will have to see a reality such as was experienced in the great depression before any real movement is seen.





The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
This was also the case here on the "yellow ribbons" stickers on cars as well as the "pink ribbons" for breast cancer. Many were bootleg and offered nothing to the charities they were designed for. The yellow ribbons were made in 3rd world countries who I guess caught on to how

I also think there were some Lance Armstrong wrist braclets for cancer cure that were bootlegged. People don't care, it's the style not the charity. You want to just look like you give a crap.


I used to work for a fundraising company that was responsible for raising funds for a bunch of different non-profit organizations. I would estimate that around 7/10 times, when we were raising money for police officers, nobody cared how the money was used or who it went to. All they cared about was the sticker for their car that said "PBA Supporter" because they thought it might get them out of a ticket. They would give the lowest dollar amount possible in order to get the sticker, slap the sticker on their car and then never ever help again. I'm not a brilliant man, but...I'm pretty sure that defeats the purpose of CHARITY.
Dorothea Lange photo from the depression Friday.

I had heard about the ripoff of a lot of those cold phone callers. Recently a guy called me who talked fast and sounded like a Marine drill sergeant. I slowed him down and told him I thought it was a ripoff and told him why. His tone changed and he told me he would send me a sticker without contributing. I asked if he was implying that I would get preferential treatment after being stopped by a State Trooper for speeding and what the PR dept. of the State Police might think about him implying that? He cordially thanked me and we said our goodbyes.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
hey! i was made in the usa. :D

Slapping an IAF on the back of a car will drive up my gas prices with the added weight. I'll get pulled over MANY times moreso than usual because of the whole "What's a human doing on the back of yer car?!" thing..

Nah, if I wanted to donate to IAF I'd just ask yer paypal acct info. :p ;)
Slapping an IAF on the back of a car will drive up my gas prices with the added weight. I'll get pulled over MANY times moreso than usual because of the whole "What's a human doing on the back of yer car?!" thing..

Nah, if I wanted to donate to IAF I'd just ask yer paypal acct info. :p ;)

or, you can buy me season tickets to the indians. :)
or, you can buy me season tickets to the indians. :)

Maybe we can just pardon you so you won't go to jail? We'll probably let you off the hook for the fine too, but we don't want to announce that too early, so play dumb. Pretend you don't know us. ;)