Okay, 10 months later and nothing conclusive whatsoever. But as of August (if I remember correctly), there's a page and a photo of her in the FameDigitalNetwork pornstar listings. According to it, she is "Laura A" and CPO#12 is her only title on the network to date.
Taking a look at this photo last week started the wheels turning in my head again. Here are some pics of Rady (whom iafd ascertain is in the FIRST scene, under the moniker "Dani", a name Rady appeared under previously, à la "Dani Blond") circa 2005 or thereabouts.
It's hard to tell, especially with the glasses obscuring the eyes somewhat, but pay special attention to the nose, mouth, and more specifically the lines around the mouth.
I haven't seen the video since January, but another problem, physicalities aside, is that the girl billed as "Laura" acted positively cock-shy in comparison to the Rady of earlier years.
Earlier this week I showed a friend who's been familiar with Rady for awhile longer than I have the first pic of this post along with those in this thread, and he says there's a definite possibility it could be her. He's going to give me his verdict after he's watched the video, which is good, because I'm no closer to anything definitive than I was at the onset of this year.