Lara croft

Underworld had eye candy but was not an especially memorable game. I played it a few hours and put something better in the PS3.


I remember i downloaded tomb raider legend and got the nude patch for it...i would just make her crouch and stare at her snatch lol


I think this is the set you're talking about. Here:

If I was her man I'd have to persuade her to get this done at home lulz.
She is real hot in the Top Cow comic of her, and Angelina Jolie is hot, the video game Lara now looks stunning but back when guys started drooling over her when she was all polygonal I didn't get it.


She is real hot in the Top Cow comic of her, and Angelina Jolie is hot, the video game Lara now looks stunning but back when guys started drooling over her when she was all polygonal I didn't get it.

yes i remember the good ole lego-assed lara croft of the 90's games...we men are simple animals, sometimes polygons is all one needs to :banana: