Lanny Barbie / Lanny Barby

Impressive. Now release your anger. You must know that your friends are in danger. Ohhh... Why'd you slice off my hand? It's imperative that you understand. Obi Won didn't have a father. Tell me who about your father? He told me enough! He told me you killed him! Luke, there's something I MUST reveal then! IM YOUR FATHER IM YOUR FATHER IM YOUR FATHER IM YOUR FATHER IM YOUR FATHER IM YOUR FATHER

So I've seen Burnt Fury, not bad. The movie is like Naked Gun meets porn. I was actually laughing at some of the non porn parts. Not because the dialog is cheesey porn dialog, but because its stupposed to be stupid comedic, porn dialog. Her scenes werent bad, I did like the way her new titties moved.
Not sure if a repost but this is fucking hot. Please does anyone know what movie this is from?
