Ladies: Your Dream Cock?!?!?!?!

The age-old question. This is for the ladies only. What is the IDEAL cock for you? Small,Medium,Large. Thick?

Also, do you like cocks with a little curve or straight.

I ask this because mine curves upwards(not that significantly, but its definately noticeable) and im wondering if that is a bad thing. Ive had sex my fair share of times, but i find it akward (hehe) to ask a girl if she liked my dick or not. Might ask next time tho cuz its been bugging me a little.


Official Checked Star Member
6 inches, pretty wide, straight. Lasts long enough for me to cum (5 mins max) but not a cock that lasts more than 10 minutes...nothing more annoying than a guy who needs 45 mins of constant penetration in order to climax.
well im a little off of ur IDEAL cock, but how bout u Try Me out ???:dunno: (im 7 inches long, WIDE, and a slight upward curve)

i can be as fast as u like ;)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
well im a little off of ur IDEAL cock, but how bout u Try Me out ???:dunno: (im 7 inches long, WIDE, and a slight upward curve)

i can be as fast as u like ;)

Hands off our women, American! We kicked yo' ass over this in 1812 and we will do it again!


Hiliary 2020
6 inches, pretty wide, straight. Lasts long enough for me to cum (5 mins max) but not a cock that lasts more than 10 minutes...nothing more annoying than a guy who needs 45 mins of constant penetration in order to climax.

10 minute sex?
That aint for me, I like it for at least and hour.....or more.
Besides , I'm not gonna take a girl out, buy food, buy drinks, and all the other extras just to maybe have sex for 10 minutes....i'll just as soon wack off before I do that.
Ive been with many women, at least 250, maybe 300(no bullshit, but thats 23years of fucking). Once in a while Ive gotten the girl who says stop, or ya no mas after a few minutes.......pisses me off.


Official Checked Star Member
10 minute sex?
That aint for me, I like it for at least and hour.....or more.
Besides , I'm not gonna take a girl out, buy food, buy drinks, and all the other extras just to maybe have sex for 10 minutes....i'll just as soon wack off before I do that.
Ive been with many women, at least 250, maybe 300(no bullshit, but thats 23years of fucking). Once in a while Ive gotten the girl who says stop, or ya no mas after a few minutes.......pisses me off.

Well its a good thing most women need at least 15 mins + of foreplay/sex to orgasm. I'm one of the few who cum SUPER fast, so after I orgasm I eventually get "dry" so continuous penetration flat out hurts. Not to mention, an hour of my day devoted to one orgasm? Sorry, I'd rather fuck five times and have five mindblowing orgasms than just one :) Five quickies to me trumps one hour of intercourse....again, just my preference, as you have yours. :)