The age-old question. This is for the ladies only. What is the IDEAL cock for you? Small,Medium,Large. Thick?
Also, do you like cocks with a little curve or straight.
I ask this because mine curves upwards(not that significantly, but its definately noticeable) and im wondering if that is a bad thing. Ive had sex my fair share of times, but i find it akward (hehe) to ask a girl if she liked my dick or not. Might ask next time tho cuz its been bugging me a little.
Also, do you like cocks with a little curve or straight.
I ask this because mine curves upwards(not that significantly, but its definately noticeable) and im wondering if that is a bad thing. Ive had sex my fair share of times, but i find it akward (hehe) to ask a girl if she liked my dick or not. Might ask next time tho cuz its been bugging me a little.