Ladies......What's Your Biggest Turn On?

The woman that I'm currently seeing loves it when I masturbate in front of's her biggest turn on, she says.

What's yours?
The woman that I'm currently seeing loves it when I masturbate in front of's her biggest turn on, she says.

What's yours?

Not a chick but I've had 3 chicks that I've been with who were the same and another 2 chicks who I suspected would have like to see me whacking.

I never could quite get into it or understand it....I mean, I like watching porn chicks masturbate but I wouldn't be interested in seeing a chick I was with doing it...I know, weird..

For me, if I'm going to whack it's like my quiet time or something...I'm not too interested in anyone else being involved...It's something I would want to do to the stuff that I'm interested in whacking to.

I've had chicks give me hand jobs after sucking me off which is great and I think that's different from me doing it but I've only pulled out and whacked on a chick twice in my life because I didn't have a condom and she wasn't on B/C.

Anyway..that's just my :2 cents:
Oh, cool!!! ::high five::

Maybe the next time we get together we can strip down to our lime green banana hammocks and plat it together then go to the beach? :D

You can wear the lime green if you want, but I'm sticking to my leopard print. The ladies think it's sexy. :nanner:
The woman that I'm currently seeing loves it when I masturbate behind's her biggest turn on, she says.

You sure it doesn't have something to do with your charming good looks? :eek:


Lord Dipstick
Funny how not 1 female member answered!:D
To watch Blueballs and Gunslingingbird jack off into each other's back hair.

Oh, you should see their reaction when they watch us brush each others' backs. They get all wet... :D

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Hahahah oh man, You guys have me cracking up!

Thanks for the laughs :)

Now back to the question, I do like to watch my hubby masturbate but I don't think that would be my BIGGEST turn on, after all I do love to be involved lol

My biggest turn on would probably be, when a guy gets in from a hard days work, and his hands are all dirty and hes sweating, mhmm Id bring him a beer and just start going down on him right when he walks in the door :D
My husband fixes helicopters and I dont know why but seeing his hands all dirty and man, I think I need a shower now :p