Kyla Cole and hardcore

i think Kyla is happy w/ her carreer as is. it unfortuanate she does not dabble in the hard core stuff. But lets be thankful she does what she does. she is truly one stunning beauty.


Curiosity gets some kitties, as Terri noted.
I've always wondered to what degeree it's economic...
New girl on the scene does, what, 8 or 10 sets... before long you see them everywhere... so the money she's bringing for new 'similar' sets can't be as good as it was, & others she knows/ sees/ meets are getting more for doing more...
Seems it'd be a 'natural' progression... the question becomes when is the model beyond her original 'this is all I'm going to do' boundaries, & when that happens, is that her fault, the industry's fault... is fault involved.

That seemed to be the situation with Crissy Moran (yummy) who went from soft, to a break, to more soft, then hard, then got out of it, & from what i hear, is now saying it was all 'sinful' etc etc etc...

Others, like Raqeul Darrian a decade ago, & Janine Lindemulder in the last decade have taken frequent breaks & have gradually increased what they're at least letting be caught on tape, & in doing so have maintained their top flight status.

Not a 'softcore gone hardcore' story, but i think similar is the recent appearance of some new Devon shoots... who always had a killer body but something about the nose always screamed 'Michael Jackson' to me (ewww)... I know, just don't look at the face, eh? Anyway, she's got a new tat & the pix are pretty nice.

But I'd take KC any day... & as an avowed 'trim it but don't shave it totally' fan she DOES take care of the grooming... she just leaves enough to look like a real woman rather than a plastsic doll or child, eh?

Can you wake us when the shit is actually out of the horse as opposed to nagging us with a question only she can answer?:facepalm:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Like Jesus, this thread has risen again. I hope this one isn't a zombie either


The closest we'll get from her going "hardcore" or licking nuts:


She always got a taste for Big Black Bulls, it seems ;)