

Stop showing off that first grade education and speak ENGLISH.You may think that foolish language You use is cool or something,but other people only laugh at You.It is annoying and kind of pathetic.

man ur a gay lil prick ur da 1 dats pathetic, u like 2 start shit wit ppl over da internet bcoz u no dey cant bash da shit out of u, i no dat in real life u wudn't say dat kind of shit coz u wud shit urself u lil nerd and as a matter of fact i speak 4 languages u lil racest fuck.

Fast Mo

if you want to see her in the movie "filthy cab rides 9" then register to the amazing free website www.myfreepaysite.com

after logging in, "Extreme Feeds" and then scroll down and choose "nasty filthy cab rides". then choose the movie "filthy cab rides 9". her scene is number 3.

she gets fucked in the cab

there are full movies of her on internet. if you are good with google searches then you can find them. i was stunned to see so many movies of her. they are wonderful. i love her more after watching them.