Kumar/Kal Penn joins the white house team!


read about it this morning. now i'll have to take the white house press people even less seriously than before... well, if that were possible.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Perhaps he will talk to Obama about making weed legal. :)

Now if only Amy Winehouse were to be admitted to the cabinet I could rest assured that alcohol and cocaine wouldnt be taxed, and many drugs would actually be made legal one of these days..
There really isnt anyone better qualified for this role? Maybe a religious leader or the leader of the American islamic society or whatever its called? This just seems pandering to the lowest common denominator, people who will say "oh look its that asian guy from House, or Harold and Kumar".
He is not the Asian guy. Kal Penn is the Indian guy. :nanner:

Last time I checked India was still in Asia, right, or did it move?

Well, I guess it would be correct to say American guy who is of Indian decent.

Either way, I have lost interest already, which might just be the new record!!

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Last time I checked India was still in Asia, right, or did it move?

Well, I guess it would be correct to say American guy who is of Indian decent.

Either way, I have lost interest already, which might just be the new record!!

Correct but when you think of that movie, there was an Asian and an Indian male. No one would call Kal Penn an Asian since he is of Indian decent. Canada is part of North America, but I am not Canadian. :wave2:
Correct but when you think of that movie, there was an Asian and an Indian male. No one would call Kal Penn an Asian since he is of Indian decent. Canada is part of North America, but I am not Canadian. :wave2:

That's not the same thing. You're North American. If you are from Asia, you are asian. If you are from Europe, you are european. Etc.


Postal Paranoiac
An excellent choice. Plus he knows how to perform a laterial mysenoctomy.
Last time I checked India was still in Asia, right, or did it move?

Well, I guess it would be correct to say American guy who is of Indian decent.

Correct but when you think of that movie, there was an Asian and an Indian male. No one would call Kal Penn an Asian since he is of Indian decent. Canada is part of North America, but I am not Canadian. :wave2:

That's not the same thing. You're North American. If you are from Asia, you are asian. If you are from Europe, you are european. Etc.

Now I'm confused....now which Asian is from Canada again? :dunno:
Funny how Obama is taking a guy who has played serious characters like Kumar and Taj (from Van Wilder) - who has also played some terrorist related roles in movies to be his "talking point man" for the "Asian" community. I mean seriously "Asian" is stretching it a bit if you just have him - I mean come on Mr. Obama, surely you need the "Harold" part of the duet. Come on! Who's going to cover the "Oriental" folks?!? Obama really is a dumbass!
Now I'm confused....now which Asian is from Canada again? :dunno:

No, no one is from Canada, Canada is just a myth invented by the Illuminati to keep you under control. In fact if you travel north there is no land mass up there, it's all an illusion. It has been proven that 70 years ago the Rockerfeller family thought up a place called Canada in order to steal your money and invest it in the Nazi's in their first step towards a one world government.

All the fundamentals havent been brought out yet but they will, we will not stop until this injustice is brought to justice!!!

Do not believe those who state they are "Canadian" they are agents of the Illuminati and should be killed!!!

Scary shit. :eek:
