Kourtney Kardashian
http://**************/images/thumbs/1307/DcZ27.jpg http://**************/images/thumbs/1307/W6yHC.jpg http://**************/images/thumbs/1307/XGvqy.jpg http://**************/images/thumbs/1307/QyNgF.jpg http://**************/images/thumbs/1307/VxlnR.jpg


Who is Kourtney Kardashian? Is the sister of Kim? I'm not that much into the Kardashians personally but Kim is so fuckable still I prefer Tera Patrick x
Hi Nanita, yes she is Kim's sister. I think she is the prettiest of the three older sisters.
she's the hottest of the Kardashians by far
if she only had REAL tits like kim, she could probably be hotter then kim...her face seems pretty ok to me
another turnoff is her db hubby the DICKSISSY lolz
No idea who her hubby is, and really how can a husband (or wife for that matter) be a turn off? Takes nothing away of the hotness of someone, not for me anyway. Oh well, all personal I guess, much like fake boobs, which I totally love myself. Prefer fake tits even most of the times.


Lord Dipstick
Sexiest Kardashian......by far.
^Alex, I respect your opinion, but in the order of the Kardashian, I put her in a DISTANT third.
1. Kim
2. Khloe
3. Kourtney.
just my opinion, no argument from me, they are all sexy, imho.