Lined up pretty much the way we expected: U.S. FOR, Russia AGAINST.
Not only Russia. Today, Spain and Cyprus will veto an EU declaration calling for recognition of the new country. And they have every reason to do so.
The independence of Kosovo is the result of a terrorist upheaval against a sovereign country. THE UÇK is in this respect no different from violent separatist factions like ETA in the Basque region or the IRA.
The Western support for the Albanian secession stems from the Bosnian wars when we arbitrarily chose to declare Serbia "evil". Hence, everyone fighting the Serbs were automatically the good guys: Including fascist Tudjman-Croatia and the feudal societies of Albania and Kosovo.
The uncalled-for bombing of Serbia ("out of humanitarian reasons" :1orglaugh) in 1999 was even worse than the Iraq War when you consider the implications for international law. NATO did not even bother trying to get UN approval, knowing full well that any resolution would have been outright vetoed by Russia and China. ---- resulting in the
Chinese Embassy Bombing ??? :angels:
The Kosovo bombing campaign was a war crime, justified by the so-called "Operation Horseshoe" - a blatant hoax.
This newest development does not only fuel tensions with Russia. It could spark a new war in the region. (What about the significant Albanian minorities in Macedonia and Greece? Don't they deserve to be independent, too?)