Its none of our business whom Kortney and other stars want to perform with.. its their own personal choice..!!


If the gentlemen would like to discuss the off-topic issue any further, I advise you to use the search function to find plenty of threads dedicated to the matter in the Talk forum.

This thread is about Kortney's actual work - nothing else!

Thank you for your kind attention! Back to topic!

I concur, it is a personal choice who a given actress works with.

But as previously stated, once someone places themselves in the public sphere and asks people to give money to them to support their career, who they decide to or don't decide to work with will be discussed.

That's just how it is.

And to wrap this discussion up:

Furthermore, if any performer would like to try and block discussions such as this because they would like to have it both ways (Ask the public for their financial support without their actor choices being discussed) they should know that's highly unrealistic and that the world doesn't work that way.
kortney, your scene at the VIP CLUB is the sexiest one ive ever seen, you got it all, beautiful face, perfect tits, incredible tight pussy and your legs...omg

please shoot a scene wearing a sling bikini
