Knowing what you know now what advice would you give to your younger self?

Stop learning how to play Nirvana songs on guitar and start learning more complex shit. I want to be a better guitar player when I go back to the future. Also eat shit and breathe that thing and don't waste your goddamn song writing talent. Choose jamming over getting wasted and passing out in a ditch. Also when you meet Lisa...don't let that one go fuckhead.
Start a business right out of college. Either that, or go right into law school out of college.

Major in something different, probably accounting.

Be more assertive and confident with girls at a younger age. It took me til college to figure this out.

Pay attention to girls in high school that aren't the super hot cheerleaders, etc. Those girls get HOT after high school.

Seriously learn a foreign language.

Learn to play an instrument at a young age, like at least middle school.
Stay in school.
Make as many friends as you can ( always good to know a good laywer, mechanic, doctor and dentist).
When you go to a club/bar, always go up to the hottest girl. If you go 3 for 10, your in the hall of fame.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
- Quit dating crazy bitches. Are you fucking retarded?

- Spend more time with your family. They're the most important people in your life.

- You're an asshole. Luckily, you'll grow out of it.

- Find a different baseball team to root for. The Cubs will never win anything. Ever.

- Do not go four-wheeling when you're drunk, dumbass. Broken legs are not fun.


For the EMPEROR!!
Take your education more seriously.

Go easier on the booze.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
take a step back every once in a while to see if my actions are getting me toward my goals

being a regular/constant at a bar is cool on TV, but sorta sad in real life

If you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else
If I could talk to my 10th grade self, I'd tell him "You know that really cute girl in English class. Yeah, her, the one you've got a crush on. Well, she's interested in you too. So quit being such a pussy and ask her out. If you don't you'll miss your opportunity and she'll become the girlfriend of a 12th grader who is on the football team and has his own car."


Closed Account
The girl in math class who you think you don't have a chance in hell dating actual did/do likes you.
When you are in Basic Training do not shoot as well as you really can because they will put you in law enforcement instead of jet engine mechanics.
Not let myself become the overweight low self-esteem loner i was on high school.....instead get in shape have the confidence i have now because of my approach toward woman and life......and bang Sabrina from freshman year, then bang Tricia from sophmore year, then bang Nicole from junior year, and then bang Roxanna from senior year. And as many others inbetween.
- DO IT, ASSHOLE!!! You won't get another chance, and you'll end up regretting it.

- She's not "The One." Not even close. She's more like a distant 14,589th. Don't commit yourself to her because she only sees you as an idiot that gives her what she wants. Don't waste the next decade of your life thinking you can make it work out because she only sees you as a provider of material goods.

- The carpal tunnel and the tendonitis won't go away unless you completely stop straining your arms. Take a year off from work and live on your student loans so you can do your Senior Recital instead of making money as a stagehand. As much as you love it, stagehanding is a dead end job, and you need that piece of paper from the university to get a job that isn't gonna prevent you from having a life.

- After you stop playing football, DON'T STOP EXERCISING!!! You'll end up as a fat fuck that women will find unattractive, and getting rid of the extra 50 pounds that you gain after high school will be a bitch.
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In college, you are going to flunk your freshman history midterm anyway so when the girl you are banging calls you drunk at 3 AM the night before and invites you to come and hang out with her and her roommate you should really go over there.