Kindergartener Brings Gun to School, 3 Wounded


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HOUSTON – A kindergartener who brought a loaded gun to his Houston elementary school Tuesday was among three students injured by fragments when it fired after falling from his pocket as he sat down for lunch, officials said.

One bullet was fired about 11 a.m. in the Ross Elementary School cafeteria, spraying fragments at the students, said Houston Independent School District Assistant Police Chief Robert Mock.

"Either some type of chips off the floor, or it could be pieces of the round that discharged," Mock said. "They had some cuts and stuff on their legs, they don't appear to be life threatening."

Two 6-year-old boys, including the one who had the gun, were wounded in the foot, said district spokesman Jason Spencer. A 5-year-old girl also suffered a foot injury, Spencer said.

All three children were put on stretchers and taken to ambulances, to be checked out at a hospital. The students were sitting up and appeared to be talking with emergency personnel as they were wheeled away.

Upset parents rushed to the school, where yellow crime scene tape was strung and more than a dozen Houston police and district patrol cars were parked outside as officers investigated where the boy got the gun.

Parents were allowed to take their children home for the day if they preferred to do so, and counselors were on hand as classes resumed for the afternoon, said district spokesman Norm Uhl.

"Although the danger is over, that doesn't make it any less frightening," Uhl said.

how the fuck do you let your 6 YEAR OLD get ahold of your LOADED gun? it's people like that that make it so hard for respectable gun owners to own firearms. GODDAMIT!


Staff member
The parents are fucking irresponsible fucktards who should have locked the gun and the ammo.
I think these parents should have their second amendment rights revoked permanently, irresponsible gun owners shouldn't be able to keep their gun rights.


^ :glugglug: ^

Another isolated incident revealing the irresponsibility of some parent(s)...
let's not surrender our Second Amendment Rights over this one. ;)

Sadly it seems as if these types of stories have a cumulative effect in the hearts and minds of those who would gladly and proudly restrict legal law abiding citizens from the ability to exercise our precious right to defend ourselves from the evils of society.
Kids aren't stupid. They know how to get to things that aren't properly locked up. Kids are like many adults; they think they either won't get into any serious trouble or danger because they feel in control. Enhanced by the fact the kid is so young they don't know the actual risks associated.

I think one problem is a lot of gun owners like this aren't just irresponsible with the guns themselves, but they hide them without first explaining what they are and can do.

Kids that young usually want to listen to their parents; they even usually fear them to a certain extent. Your parents are your first "Gods". Use your authority to send a message, use your brains to get trigger locks or well secured gun cabinets.

If you feel you're in enough serious and persistent danger in your house or community to warrant a gun as protection. Keep the gun on you (if it's legal) and lock it up unloaded when not needed. Better yet move out of your crime infested shit're trying to raise a kid there and your only solution is to fight fire with fire? Wtg.
I grew up around guns, and the most important thing other than keeping them locked up is a parent that teaches you to RESPECT them and learn safety. They are not toys, despite what video games and movies make them out to be...

I think the underlying theme to most kids these days is a lack of respect... for guns, parents, knowledge, themselves, and pretty much anything. :2 cents:
Signs of a failed society.

I couldn't say it any better myself.

I grew up around guns, and the most important thing other than keeping them locked up is a parent that teaches you to RESPECT them and learn safety. They are not toys, despite what video games and movies make them out to be...

I think the underlying theme to most kids these days is a lack of respect... for guns, parents, knowledge, themselves, and pretty much anything. :2 cents:

But isn't that lack of respect for everything a direct reflection of how they were raised? Especially when we're taking about kingerdateners?
Thank goodness there isn't more strict gun laws there. That's right, their right to load up on firearms is solidly in tact, and they thank the sweet, 7 pound, 6 ounce baby Jesus for it every night. Clearly the average citizen is adept at handling guns well enough so that they don't fall into the hands of children.

If no one, save for police and service people, were allowed to have handguns at all, then I'm pretty sure fewer kids would be bringing them to school.
I love America but I never understood this abuse of the 2nd amendment. That was written in an era wholly different to now and was relevant only at that time.
I couldn't say it any better myself.

But isn't that lack of respect for everything a direct reflection of how they were raised? Especially when we're taking about kingerdateners?

I agree, that's where the kids are being failed. And society doesn't help by worshiping violence... I mean, sex is bad, you can't show that on TV, but watching a guy kill 87 people is just fine.

And for those blaming the gun, that is like blaming a car when a kid kills himself driving fast and drunk. There are tens of millions of safe, legal gun owners in the US, so don't be mislead and extrapolate too much when these tragic but rare stories pop up occasionally. :2 cents:


OMG! Let's all over react and make broad generalizations about the American society because some poor excuse for parents left their gun lying around the home when they had children in their home. Quick! call in the social workers!!
Recall the firearms!
the firearm isn't the problem, the idiocy of a parent/parents failing to prevent a 6 year old from getting ahold of a firearm is most definitely the can't police stupidity unfortunately