Not sure if you all know or not, but since I'm the entertainment industry, I know a tiny bit about it. "Stolen celebrity sex tapes" are not exactly stolen. These celebrities shop around their sex tapes to different producers in the industry. The legal part about and for a lot of publicity, they play it off like it is stolen and that they're taking the producer to court. The producers sometimes say "We have the right to sell this tape, blah blah blah" when the fact is, and this will blow all of those "reality" sites out of the water. Legally, you need a model release from EVERY person that shows up in that movie. Not just one or two, every single person. So, yes all those reality sites and dvds you see of girls just "having sex" with someone they "just met".. they knew before hand what was going to happen. And she didn't get paid a million dollars, that was also hype. I'm sure it was more closer to 10% of that. Just thought you all should know...