kim kardashian's Hard NIPPLE : at LAX airport on Saturday
more 30 images @ http://***************/?p=1236
Skelly, I think the reviews are suppose to be from people who actually bought the product. Isn't someone commenting on the person, but not the book itself, tell you nothing about whether you yourself should buy the book? I've got two copies myself, could care less what they say. But I would love to see the reviews removed, since they serve no purpose other than a bunch of idiots mouthing off against a celebrity they hate.
Skelly, I think the reviews are suppose to be from people who actually bought the product. Isn't someone commenting on the person, but not the book itself, tell you nothing about whether you yourself should buy the book? I've got two copies myself, could care less what they say. But I would love to see the reviews removed, since they serve no purpose other than a bunch of idiots mouthing off against a celebrity they hate.

Those reviews are valid, considering what the book is. It's full of pics she took of herself, which like it or not, is a very vain thing to market. It's even called Selfish. The haters are there for any celebrity, but Kim's are usually based on her vanity, and this book caters to that. I'm a fan of hers, that's why I'm here, and rep the pics, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I've seen reviews for movies, video games, even household products that I totally disagreed with, but taking the hitler approach, and getting rid of it because it upsets you is ridiculous.

Leave your own review, and warn others that some reviews can't be trusted. Maybe someone will take that to heart, and purchase the book despite the bad reviews. You have just as much right as anyone to leave a review.
Just the thing, you cant have a real opinion on the book if you havent "read" it, so it is not an actual review they are leaving. Just spewing whatever they want. They are not actual reviews in the buyers section. If someone bought it and did not like it, leave a negative review. I am loving the girl very much, but I have not seen the book yet, so I myself would NOT leave a a review (of any kind) either, that would mean absolutely nothing, it would be worthless and therefor should NOT be written.

But I understand your point of view, removing would look like censorship, though I am not really convinced that it would be that for real. It is tricky though......
My second copy is still in it's wrapping, and it's going to stay that way. I'll save it until the first copy goes bad. Which hopefully will be a while.
Skelly, I think negative reviews from a book that one hasn't even seen make a total mockery of the whole idea of a review. If you have yet to even see the product, why would you even leave a review? It's not just my opinion on Kim per se, it's everything. One reads the reviews to see what others think who've purchased the product. Are you guys not getting this? It's got nothing to do with Hitler, Stalin, or any democratic politician. If the haters want to leave their opinion, tell them to buy the book, and show some knowledge of the book, and I would not have a problem. That's obviously not what's happening.
And by the way, I love her nude pics with the sand. Keep the nudes coming, Kim!