Kid Gets To Play Live With Green Day


Lord Dipstick
I didn't work their show last night, bu the last time I worked one of their shows their crew opened the curtains in the bus and put in a porn movie. There were about 50 stagehands standing on Taylor St., watching porn on the bus. It was great!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Back in 2005 at the show I went to they had a kid do basketcase with them. ;-)
I'm not a big fan of Green Day either. However the fact that bands do this kind of thing for people, especially young ones, hopefully encourages them to further pursue interest in musical talents. It's a nice way of getting interests sparked.


You know why it's good to choose such a young kid? Coz he'll keep his cool and not jump around on staff with his top off going "YYEEEEEEAHHOOOOOO, GREEEN DAAYYY, WOOOOOOO, BIG UP CHICAGO MATHAFUCKAAAAAAAAA"

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
He gets to play with Green Day, huh? Wonder what first prize was... :D


Postal Paranoiac
Probably pre-planned and staged, but sort of cool anyway. :)