Kevin Smith

What Do You Think of His flicks?

  • Great and funny

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • Hit and Miss

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • Fuck him he sucks!

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
I think that he does some great flicks. Clerks 2 was his best.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
In this thread, you just arbitrarily name something and say that you like it.

I like Cheese potatoes.
I usually like his movies initially, but after a couple viewings they seem to become extremely scripted. The lines don't come off as natural. They're alright for the most part though
I think that he does some great flicks. Clerks 2 was his best.

Clerks is 1000x better than Clerks 2 (although Rosario Dawson is beautiful). Mallrats is better than both of them. He hasn't released a good movie since Dogma. Zack and Miri Make a Porno was terrible. Jersey Girl was terrible. Clerks 2 was terrible. Cop Out was terrible and I'm sure his new movies will be just as shit.

Fuck Kevin Smith and his blind followers.
I liked Mallrats and Clerks the best. Clerks 2 was good in a crude funny kinda way but not as good as Clerks. Also, I think you need to be a fan of his or "get" his humour and movies. I put Clerks 2 on for friends and they just didn't get it.

I really like his Q&A DVDs. They were very funny and informative.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I thought you were talking about the backup running back for the Lions. Geezus, fantasy football has taken over my life!
He makes alright movies if you're the intended audience it's made for, and they're not taken to seriously. Part of the problem he's starting to have in my opinion is that a lot of his movies seem to be variations of the other ones he's made and in his own way he's becoming very formulaic in how he creates them. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts becoming tapped out in what he can make unless that changes.

I often like how he isn't afraid to make fun of the dumb crap the movie business puts out there or call them on it by using it himself in satire.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I Am The Clit Commander! Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back, Clerks 2, Dogma & Mallrats are my favourites
Was a big fan in high school and really like Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob, Dogma and even Chasing Amy and Clerks II but all the stuff after that hasn't been top notch.

Basically the "Jersey Trilogy" and that's it.