Re: Katie Price
Sutty said:
Do a search of "Jordan" or "katie price" threads, and you'll see how much i detest the woman!
A truely horrible person!
:glugglug: Think I've already agreed with you in another thread.
Yep, a truly horrible person who's only interested in herself - the sort of person who gives models in general a bad name.
And before anyone thinks I'm being too harsh, I used to be a real fan - paid to belong to her official site, and religiously got her calendar every year.
But check other forums etc., and you'll get an idea why I'm no longer a fan. Her official site wasn't well maintained, she more or less dumped her fanbase when she got with Peter Andre, and has more or less bullied her way to where she is now.
Everything about her's false (and I'm not just talking the chest here). I wouldn't be surprised if her relationship with Peter Andre's a bit of PR as well, for both of them.