Katerina Hovorkova / Kelly Norton

What's happened to the thread? Loads of posts have disappeared

Because I deleted them. The posts were from a single member who violated 2 rules:

1) Post Count Spam
2) 5 Link Max Rule

Post Count Spam is when someone makes many posts in the same thread within minutes of each other.

The 5 link rule states that no member may post more than 5 links per thread per 24 hours.

The member in question (I will not state his username) made about 30 consecutive posts with 5 or more links each and some members complained. They didn't appreciate someone breaking the rules when they follow them.

Also, the member in question did it a second time. Those posts were also deleted.

And, if it happens again, I'll be doing a lot more than just deleting posts.
Right I see, rules are rules and we all need them, but you also deleted other posts at the same time made by myself and others apart from the user in question.