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Kat, in the first photos that I saw of you, you were wearing boots and a "national dress", standing in front of a wooden door with an old wooden rake on it, next to a cabinet of dishes. The dress is similar to what I would call a dirndl dress or what they call in Germany tracht. The dress is very pretty and you look very sweet and beautiful in it. Thank you very much for making these images.
Kat, in the first photos that I saw of you, you were wearing boots and a "national dress", standing in front of a wooden door with an old wooden rake on it, next to a cabinet of dishes. The dress is similar to what I would call a dirndl dress or what they call in Germany tracht. The dress is very pretty and you look very sweet and beautiful in it. Thank you very much for making these images.
What do you call your national dress in Czech?
There were also pictures of you in boots and this dress with another blonde girl wearing a similar dress in front of a water wheel. Do you know her name?
Where were these taken? Is it a restaurant or bar or club?
Have you done other photos wearing traditional clothes?
I like that even many of your photos in modern clothes you seem to like pullover dresses or tops. They look very cuddly, and stylish at the same time! Thank you again.
I já se přidávám ke gratulantům a přeji Ti k Tvým narozkám všechno nej nej nej...a ještě mnohem více!!!Honzik P.
I had forgotten this set. It really shows how beautiful she is and how beautiful a woman can be. Awesome!!!!