I was your Member for 3 months. And they have gone via of race, from when you have put a set every two weeks, without to perceive to us, Excused if we complain ourselves, but the site badly is managed. You Kellie would have to worry itself to insert photo and video for which satisfied people, as it pays to get pictures and videos of karla and not to stop itself on the words dictated from the anger. The site is failing, of it is spoken badly anywhere. I hope for you that after July returns all to normality because it is scandalous that slid the week has exited alone the video. My subscription has expired fortunately.
Otherwise close the site, and not tease people!
PS: Then the democracy exists, in the newspaper the comments that it does not appreciate do not approve of. Instead it would have to be to us an idea freedom, we cannot think it all she like!!
I'll take engrishfunny.com for $800, Alex