Karl Urban


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I hated Karl Urban in The Chronicles of Riddick but since then he's really had some great roles. I think I could stand it if he was the next big blockbuster dude.
Urban breakout role was in the Star Trek reboot, but he was great in Dredd. He was my choice to take over the Batman role before Affleck was cast.
The only thing I know him from is playing Éomer in LotR, and he was fucking great.

I thought he did a good job with Eomer, but his casting as Bones in Star Trek was fucking inspired. As soon as he was cast I could hear McCoy's grumbling coming out of him, then when the film came out, he fucking nailed it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'm going to have to search for more of his work on Netflix, and no doubt when I saw him as Bones I knew I had been too quick to dismiss him based on Riddick.