Karl Marx's 200th birthday


The damn Bubonic plague spread because of rat infestation not because people were praying. There is absolutely no evidence that victims were choosing prayer over hygiene. We are not a democracy, we are a representative republic. The free market is controlled by consumers not producers, genius.

I know you don't believe what you just wrote. Can't you write anything without twisting the truth or lying?
I know you don't believe what you just wrote. Can't you write anything without twisting the truth or lying?

I believe because it is true. You on the other hand have quickly jumped to the front of the line as the looniest of the loony posters here.
Congratulations, that is quite an achievement.


How many internet providers can most Americans choose from, and are the available choices driven by consumer demand or by corporate monopolies???


A hell of a lot more ISP’s than Obamacare plans.
And who controls which plans you can choose from, Obamacare or the insurance corporations?
And who controls which plans you can choose from, Obamacare or the insurance corporations?
Ultimately the government does because they mandate that insurance companies cover everyone including pre-existing conditions.
Something that wouldn’t fit in an insurance companies profit model without government interference.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
When Groucho kicked him in the balls that one time I nearly lost my shit.

Will E Worm

200 years of being wrong.


Democracy gives us the freedom to have a capitalism. The free market is a myth, most of the "free market" is controlled by corporate monopolies.
Anything can be used for good or evil, but corporations choose profits over human health and lives.
Capitalism is the best economic system we have created so far, but if it is unregulated it becomes very corrupt, as is the current OBVIOUS situation.

The bubonic plague spread and killed so many because most people chose to pray instead of using soap, simple hygiene and quarantine methods, and other basic science outlawed by religious aholes.

The Founding Fathers hated "democracy." It is not in the Constitution.

America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic. Something we need to get back to.


Why Marx Was Wrong

"every regime that has rejected capitalism in the name of Marxism has failed – and not by coincidence or as a result of some unfortunate doctrinal misunderstanding on the part of Marx’s followers. By abolishing private ownership and establishing state control of the economy, one not only deprives society of the entrepreneurship needed to propel it forward; one also abolishes freedom itself."

Socialism and capitalism both got it wrong, they are both much to extreme. Only a mix between these two can result in a functioning society.

Socialism means the goverment takes total control of the means of production, of the economy, no property right.

Capitalism means the market has no regulations, government never interfers in the economy.
No , no mandatory weekly day off, no paid leaves, no maternity leaves, no ban on child work, no safety regulations, no work-compensations, etc. other than what the CEO agrees to.

Capitalism is what we had at the very beginning of the industrial revolution, before workers created the first unions. It failed.
Socialism is what they had in the Soviet Union. It failed

What we have in every civilised country now is a mix between these two.
What we should look for is the most balanced mix possible.


Light one for Me
Isms and schisms :suicide: