Karl Marx's 200th birthday


May 5th aka Cinco de Mayo was Karl Marx's 200th birthday.
I don't believe in communism or read anything written by Marx or any other red commie or fascist bastards.

Should we celebrate Karl Marx on his 200th birthday?

Karl Marx: ten things to read if you want to understand him

What Karl Marx Got Right — And One Big Thing He Got Wrong

Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted



Light one for Me
Thanks for sharing.:)


Light one for Me
He's dead buddy - not gonna hear your birthday greetings:)
I am glad that I don't believe in socialism, socialism is the equal distribution of misery.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I liked Zeppo and Bumpo better than Karl, the least funny Marx brother.


Rational Liberals don't detest the country.
We detest the extremist-right racist capitalist aholes and extremist-left whiny socialist aholes, that fuck things up for everyone else.



Did you seriously just say that? LMFGDAO

^^^^^I need his drugs^^^^^ :rofl2:

Are you implying that all liberals are socialist anti-capitalist radicals?
Capitalism didn't create freedom in America. Democracy created freedom and allowed capitalism to grow. But capitalism is constantly trying to undermine our freedom.
Corporations are the greatest threat to freedom in America.

Communism is crap, it has been proven, but capitalism is also very flawed. Countless hundreds of millions of people have died in the past century from toxic processed food, cigarettes, alcohol, fossil fuels and other toxic chemicals that corporations have created and passed off as safe or dumped in the oceans, lakes and rivers or secretly buried in the ground in countless thousands of sites around the country and the world, poisoning the land and water, making countless millions of animals and people sick. Most health problems today are caused by toxic processed food sold by corporations.
All extreme ideologies are diseases infesting the human race. We don't need retarded religious, political or economic ideologies that are constantly stagnating or degrading human civilization.
Are you implying that all liberals are socialist anti-capitalist radicals?
Capitalism didn't create freedom in America. Democracy created freedom and allowed capitalism to grow. But capitalism is constantly trying to undermine our freedom.
Corporations are the greatest threat to freedom in America.

Communism is crap, it has been proven, but capitalism is also very flawed. Countless hundreds of millions of people have died in the past century from toxic processed food, cigarettes, alcohol, fossil fuels and other toxic chemicals that corporations have created and passed off as safe or dumped in the oceans, lakes and rivers or secretly buried in the ground in countless thousands of sites around the country and the world, poisoning the land and water, making countless millions of animals and people sick. Most health problems today are caused by toxic processed food sold by corporations.
All extreme ideologies are diseases infesting the human race. We don't need retarded religious, political or economic ideologies that are constantly stagnating or degrading human civilization.

Did corporations create the Bubonic plague?
Did they wipe out 1 in 5 Londoners in the 1600’s?

Capitalism allows Americans to go into a grocery store and select from a bountiful supply of the best foods in the world.
Capitalism takes technology like cellular phones and automobiles that would be reserved for kings and only the most elite in times past and market to the masses at affordable prices.

A standard automobile should cost a million dollars but thanks to the free market, I can buy a new one for less than 30,000 bucks. Corporations provide the means for millions of its employees to provide food on their tables, and healthcare, financial savings and education for the children of those families.

Corporations are no more evil than the very nature of man. If used for good, can do great things which most do and are.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Are you implying that all liberals are socialist anti-capitalist radicals?
Capitalism didn't create freedom in America. Democracy created freedom and allowed capitalism to grow. But capitalism is constantly trying to undermine our freedom.
Corporations are the greatest threat to freedom in America.

Communism is crap, it has been proven, but capitalism is also very flawed. Countless hundreds of millions of people have died in the past century from toxic processed food, cigarettes, alcohol, fossil fuels and other toxic chemicals that corporations have created and passed off as safe or dumped in the oceans, lakes and rivers or secretly buried in the ground in countless thousands of sites around the country and the world, poisoning the land and water, making countless millions of animals and people sick. Most health problems today are caused by toxic processed food sold by corporations.
All extreme ideologies are diseases infesting the human race. We don't need retarded religious, political or economic ideologies that are constantly stagnating or degrading human civilization.

You just wasted five minutes you'll never get back on a troll.

You are just too kind, bro.


Did corporations create the Bubonic plague?
Did they wipe out 1 in 5 Londoners in the 1600’s?

Capitalism allows Americans to go into a grocery store and select from a bountiful supply of the best foods in the world.
Capitalism takes technology like cellular phones and automobiles that would be reserved for kings and only the most elite in times past and market to the masses at affordable prices.

A standard automobile should cost a million dollars but thanks to the free market, I can buy a new one for less than 30,000 bucks. Corporations provide the means for millions of its employees to provide food on their tables, and healthcare, financial savings and education for the children of those families.

Corporations are no more evil than the very nature of man. If used for good, can do great things which most do and are.


Democracy gives us the freedom to have a capitalism. The free market is a myth, most of the "free market" is controlled by corporate monopolies.
Anything can be used for good or evil, but corporations choose profits over human health and lives.
Capitalism is the best economic system we have created so far, but if it is unregulated it becomes very corrupt, as is the current OBVIOUS situation.

The bubonic plague spread and killed so many because most people chose to pray instead of using soap, simple hygiene and quarantine methods, and other basic science outlawed by religious aholes.
The damn Bubonic plague spread because of rat infestation not because people were praying. There is absolutely no evidence that victims were choosing prayer over hygiene. We are not a democracy, we are a representative republic. The free market is controlled by consumers not producers, genius.