^^ After calling white herself clean, and saying she does not like n*****s, I'm pretty sure she's just saying that to go along with her claim that she is not racist.
She posted several conflicting tweets. When someone pisses her off, she throws out the N word and and insults them. If someone is nice to her about the tweet, she goes back and says stuff like what you posted. She even called was even insulting Jewish people yesterday...
She's not back tracking on anything. She's immature and impulsive, and lashes out at anyone who disagrees with her (not just referring to her latest tweets). But she throws around the N word as an insult, then claims it's ok because she has freedom of speech. If that's the way she chooses to express her freedom of speech, that's is pathetic. You can argue that a lot of people use the N word and it's just part of some people vocabulary and that it's just a word.... but all words have meaning, and most people avoid using it offensively (aside from stereotypical "gangsta" people). But the way she is using it, it is pretty clear that she does mean to offend, and that she clearly does not like black people.
And I love her friend trying to jump in saying that Karina's not racist because she has a half black friend (who physically looks as white as any other white person).