Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, wait a whole week 1 minute of footage that wasn't too good for the video, but was solely excluded for being boring and not useful...
I mean, as I've said before, I'm sure you'll continue to get my money periodically like this, but seriously, wtf Phad. :[
How do you decide on a set, open it up, watch it, see there's absolutely nothing there, not even really anything cut from the video... and then go ahead and spend the time editing it, charging us and make a post about it.
Aren't many naked people I want to see more than Kari, and that has me committed to this site whether either of us like it or not, haha, but this project feels so unreasonable and frustrating to be involved in.
I totalllllly have been hearing you out and liked the idea of you working with this whole patience philosophy for the project so as not to be less than elegant with something as valuable as the database in your hands. But yeah, this game is dumb.
ESPECIALLY if, like you said, you're not planning to do all of them... if we're only going to get some ~15% of the kari sets I think it's pretty fucking hard to argue this belongs in the win section and I don't see how any of us(including you) benefit from you playing with strict no-peeking rules while this project does manage to run to the point that you have to punish us with the bad finds. It was uhhhh, a novel idea, but the same thing just mildly less insane still sounds like an oasis compared to involuntary russian roulette with 5 bullets every week.
I'm sure someone here will defend you, I clearly just don't get it.