Real sorry but
eddie62 said:
You know what?? You've been a member for 2 1/2 years, and I have told you to do a search for a babe that you know damn well already has a thread on really need to take the time and do that before you post. Most of the time all the links you post have already been posted anyway. I, again had to merge a thread of yours to one that already exists.
Real sorry but i took time to do a search yesterday when i post this link. And yesterday when i do a search for karri sweet your search engine give me nothing ???? I don't know what but i'm sure of that !!!
Since you advice me couple month ago i always do a search before posting now.
Very sorry if i do some repost but it's is very hard to do not repost some babes sometime your board is so big , thousands of links i can'not see all !!!
Anyway real sorry again, i will try to be more carefull !!!
Have a nice day