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Thank you for the update sweetfan! To bad, it started of interesting. Im in the impression that there is still a lot of content worth seeing.
I would also be willing to help out with the workflow, got lots of years of experience with graphics.
I hope we can find a way forward some day soon! Kari is my alltime favorite girl!! :)

Hope you got some more time for this soon Phil, I got huge cravings for more Kari ;)
Another update in just under a year. hasn't updated since January - lucky me, that update was just before my subscription ran out. So it looks like the rate of updates for all Phil's sites is annually at best.
Super happy to see a update on the site!
However I dont see any reason to get the subscription back for this, as it looks very similar to the last time this set was released a few years ago. Of cource there is some extra stuff now, that Im sure is good. But for me I think I will wait until something new comes along.

If you have not seen this set before, go for it! It's probably one of her best! :)

Looking forward to see what´s in the future, keep it up Phil! :D

looooks like some updates are comin in soon, the last one is a double but i am once again putting my faith in the content holder that the updates will become more consistent!! @phil-flash if you need any help let me know!
luckily i put that faith in the content owner knowing that I had been wrong before and since I didnt buy another subscription this time no harm no foul! i did have a little faith for a second there that we would see some updates........Fucking lazy piece of shit webhost! must be nice you cunt having everything everyone wants to see and being too fucking lazy to actually release the content fuck you!