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"Sorry, man. I took on way too many projects and I can't keep up. Your negativity isn't helping. Maybe if you stopped being mean to me and asking where the product is that you already paid for I would be more inclined to help you out."


With that being said there is a new update available NOW!!


Phad are you still taking requests?

If so I have a few:

Pic Sets -
Frilly Lace
Dirty Laundry
Rainbow Booty
My One and Only Love
Hot Little Tease
Pink Cowgirl
Roller Girl
Bedroom Booty

Dirty Laundry
Rockout Part 2 Video
Genie Girl
Pinup Kari
Xmas Suspenders
Car Wash


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Approved Content Owner
Just to be clear... you nitpicked people earlier for calling it $30... but it is $30... unless you do recurring, then it's $25. Unless I'm missing something it's never been $20 and you've always referred to it as $20. Not sure if you're out of touch with how you priced it this whole time or you are actively choosing manipulative language right in the same sentences you're telling particular people not to do the same...
Honestly if it was just a 20-spot instead of $25+ maybe it would feel more clear and chill just giving you a whole bill and getting nothing back that month.

Hah - you're absolutely right. Brooke Marks rebills at 19.99, dropping down for a discounted rebill. Felix didn't structure Kari that way, and join forms are legacy ones. literally have tossed us 0 bones to pat us on the head and have us hold on. Meanwhile since the inception we've all been staring at the collection like a children outside a candy store pawing at the window actively listing everything possible that could make us happy, covering the sidewalk in drool. But in light of failing us over and over and over again(hey, we've all been there with one responsibility or another) not ONCE have you said "Well shit, this is my fault. I know I said I'd only handle it this way but let me figure something out." And reach in into your bag of unimaginable goodies and give us a fucking stocking stuffer... manipulate the maximums of your stringent selection process for one set.. Nothing. Nothing. Just 100% commitment to a process none of us thought appeared that sound in the first place. Literally the only thing you've offered for our outrage at sometimes being actually actively stiffed by your business is "Hey, our bad. We'll TRY to not do that with the next delivery, please stop complaining to other people about not receiving your products it hurts business."

What qualifies as "tossing members a bone"? The full on, up close, perfectly lit pussy slips and sheer pics that have been coming out? What more do you think there is? If it's there to see, I've included it. And because members got to pick by request, the stronger sets probably came out first. It probably gets less revealing as we go! The whole system was tossing members bone after bone.

It's as fast as I can do it. I know not everyone understands how long it takes to photoshop 250 pictures. But it takes several days. And some might say, well don't photoshop them! I'm not okay releasing pictures where zits and ingrown hairs appear where there were no zits before in the previous pictures. That's not an Ultimate Collection, that's lazy. I'm doing my best to maintain the high quality, and improve what I can.

If you were helping us with our win-seeking struggles the way you'd like us to be understanding with your business struggles, I think I'd have more than 3 or 4 pictures that are sexually relevant from a nearly year-long investment and we'd all have a few extra weeks of our life back from all the typing and heated exchanges that wouldn't be necessary. We'd be giving when the pressure builds up too much on your end, and you'd be doing the same for us. Instead, when we're hurting you just point at the rule book shaking your head stoically, then when you ultimately demand we be more reasonable and understand your extenuating circumstances it's somehow cruel that we want to say "Tut, tut!!! 1 update a week, you owe us!". The same way you get to say "Oh, no no! Can't pick out win sets! I know we've missed a ton of updates, but only one this week cause that's what we agreed to!!"

This is what they shot, man. It's not like they shot a secret sex toy and open leg porn site for me to peel back. That's why I've been transparent about the raw folders, and I post the overviews in those pain-in-the-butt Remaster Worksheets. I thought that was a good idea to show I wasn't holding back "the good pics".

Sorry that I can't do this faster. I tried to be upfront about that in the beginning - even if I picked a day of the week, I'd miss it.

In hindsight, what I should have done is waited to re-launch the site until I had a months worth of updates ready, instead of working to order. But that would have also made it impossible to do member requests right off the bat. And I was getting heat to close this deal, get the account transferred, and at that point the cat was out of the bag. Links changed, affiliates had to be notified, threads were being made. I had to launch.

I'll get better about update schedules on new sites.


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Approved Content Owner


Football season is here! We've cracked open the vault to remaster Kari's football-themed set, “Touchdown Tease”. Kari has an excellent ability to pop her booty up into the ideal pose, and this gallery has some of the most iconic ass-shots on the whole site.

The original release contained 101 pictures. The raw folder of the entire shoot contains 236 pictures. After discarding the misfires, blurry pics, and blinks, there are 225 pics to include in the Ultimate Collection release. As usual, this remaster bumps the image size from 1600x1067 to 3000x2000 pixels.


...Click to see full-size

A tremendous amount of photos skirt the edges of slips, with the shredded jersey always covering the right spots, or the bottoms covering just enough. This release includes one excellent side boob view as Kari bends over and the jersey falls away, and several bottomless shots that must have been deemed too revealing for the original release.
That's a terrible attitude for a businessman. I do freelance work all the time. Can you imagine the response I would get if I told a customer:

"Sorry, man. I took on way too many projects and I can't keep up. Your negativity isn't helping. Maybe if you stopped being mean to me and asking where the product is that you already paid for I would be more inclined to help you out."

It's as if you think you're doing a favor to your customers who have already paid you lol. I canceled right before this mess... Looks like my timing was good. I can laugh about it but holy crap I'd be pissed if I was still a member.

If you can't keep up with the work, you either need less work or more workers. You can't just fall behind and keep taking the money. That's total bs. There's quite literally millions of people on the internet who would jump at a chance to help you with this job... Lots of them would probably work for free.

Couldn't have said it better, thatllb. Also a freelancer. Wish I had Phad's gig. Charge for a whole month and only give a week's worth of service. That's the dream right thur.
That's a terrible attitude for a businessman. I do freelance work all the time. Can you imagine the response I would get if I told a customer:

"Sorry, man. I took on way too many projects and I can't keep up. Your negativity isn't helping. Maybe if you stopped being mean to me and asking where the product is that you already paid for I would be more inclined to help you out."

It's as if you think you're doing a favor to your customers who have already paid you lol. I canceled right before this mess... Looks like my timing was good. I can laugh about it but holy crap I'd be pissed if I was still a member.

If you can't keep up with the work, you either need less work or more workers. You can't just fall behind and keep taking the money. That's total bs. There's quite literally millions of people on the internet who would jump at a chance to help you with this job... Lots of them would probably work for free.

This.. exactly this. I think kari is the tits, or I wouldn't be here. But for fuck sakes, I can't keep paying for infrequent updates. Hopefully Phad takes some of this constructive criticism to heart and gets a consistent release schedule going, but I have my doubts.

I understand that every set won't have slips, you've been transparent about that, I understand what I'm paying for. But shit man, when you wait 3 weeks AND get a no win update, i just can't continue to pay in good conscience.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
That's a terrible attitude for a businessman. I do freelance work all the time. Can you imagine the response I would get if I told a customer:

"Sorry, man. I took on way too many projects and I can't keep up. Your negativity isn't helping. Maybe if you stopped being mean to me and asking where the product is that you already paid for I would be more inclined to help you out."

This is funny for a few reasons. Not in those words, but that's exactly what good freelancers have to do. You telling me you don't favor your best clients, and fire the worst ones? I wish you success, so that you can prioritize. You don't want to keep all the people that are haggling about your rate every time and who you can't keep happy - those are the first clients to go.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I want to remind you guys that almost every single juicy update could be sold a la carte as a zipset like before, $14.99-29.99. Plus it could be released at whatever pace fits with our production. I've been trying to be great to the long-suffering Kari fans and keep the Ultimate Collection cheap, but you're convincing me to look at that option again.

It's cheaper for the people who are only interested in one particular thing, but unfortunately very expensive for the people who want it all.
This is funny for a few reasons. Not in those words, but that's exactly what good freelancers have to do. You telling me you don't favor your best clients, and fire the worst ones? I wish you success, so that you can prioritize. You don't want to keep all the people that are haggling about your rate every time and who you can't keep happy - those are the first clients to go.

I think THIS is funny for a few reasons. Your rationale here sounds solid... unless one considers the obvious and important fact that you're already being paid. You're not firing clients, you're pissing off customers that you've already accepted money from. In short: you're not doing your job.

I DO prioritize. If there's a shitty offer that isn't worth my time I don't take their money just to leave them waiting on the back burner. If you don't know how much workload you can handle that's a problem. You're prioritizing after the fact, and its beyond terrible business ethics. If you want to stop working on this site: stop accepting payments from people. If you're going to change up how you do things, you should be upfront about it before people pay for what you already advertised.

I realize you made no promises on the timetable, and I thought it was silly when people were bitching about the updates being like every 9 days as opposed to once a week. This is obviously different, though.

If the issue is really just time then I think it'd be far easier and more profitable to find someone proficient enough with photoshop to give you a hand. Just my two cents. I don't intend to speak for everyone, but I don't think many people would like the "a la carte" idea.

Anyway... like I said. I got my money's worth, and had no complaints. I mean no ill will and once there's a solid amount of updates there to be bought, I'll definitely consider paying again.
It's cheaper for the people who are only interested in one particular thing, but unfortunately very expensive for the people who want it all.

This whole undertaking by Phad has been fascinating to me. An entrepreneur purchases a product, a known entity with predictable value IF... he can parlay the 10-20% of unseen (by the new owner!) product into new customers and renewed interest from old customers. We older fans forget how many "kids" world-wide have come of age in the 7 or so years since Kari left the scene. Hopefully they are providing the bulk of the site's income.

What I most appreciate is Phad's confidence in himself that he could add enough value (through quality editing, cultivating new relationships with the old, bitter fanbase, opening the selection to fan's input, and transparency about the process of his releases) to make it work financially--even if the unreleased images proved to only have occasional slips rather than the goldmine of full nudity (or more) we all hoped for in our over-eager imaginations.

I understand the outrage over what you get for your money on a timely basis. Expectations are relationship killers. And it seems to me everyone had higher expectations--including Phad for himself. Phad approaches his work like a perfectionist. That means we get whatever he finds in the highest quality of possible presentation. It probably means he doesn't sleep much. And unfortunately, it makes it even harder to meet everyone else's expectations for regular, predictable, release schedule.

I think there is an inherent issue with fans of non-nude models that causes us to be the most insufferable, perpetually dissatisfied customers. The attraction of NN models is the tension it creates and the imagination it incites. Wanting more, imagining more, become their own turn-ons. But we can always imagine things we'll never see, and want more than the model is willing to do.

In this case, we're wanting more from a finite, frozen in time archive that simply is what it is. If we don't self-limit our expectations, we will crash and burn on the mountainside of reality everytime.

One other point. We tend to think Phad gets his satisfaction purely from profit. I'm getting the impression that Phad gets his satisfaction from creating, editing, and presenting the product. Profit is simply what allows him to keep doing it. And with Kari, he's not the producer. He's more like an archaeologist, preparing his finds for a museum. Give the guy the strokes he deserves for the quality and effort, and you might even improve his production rate. Think of him like the guys that make photoshop fakes--tell 'em you don't like their work, and they'll either stop doing it or stop sharing it. But tell 'em what you appreciate, and they'll keep doing it and likely get better at it.

And if any of this is true, if my admittedly amateurish profile is anywhere close to accurate, then treating as a picture factory will only make losers of us all. Whatever we have not seen of Kari is already determined. Sure, I'd like to see her posing with another girl. I'd like to see her kiss a girl and look aroused by it. That's the set I'd fork over $50 for without blinking. BUT IT PROBABLY DOES NOT EXIST. It might... it could... but I'll be much happier if I don't focus on the possibilities and instead enjoy what a perfect ass that is, covered in tight red shorts. 'Cause we ain't gonna see anything more than what is.
Friendly emphasis in the following quote were added by me:
With your attitude you might as well be donating money to a charity in Phad's name. Most people aren't attacking Phad at all. They are suggesting he is being misleading with his JOB duties. As in he is verbally/textually selling one thing (product releases) and then providing excuses as to why products weren't released on time. It's simply awful business and he would be fired if he had an employer/supervisor. If this were a face-to-face business transaction I would never do business with them again because they have proven unreliable time and time again. Actions always speak louder than words/text. The dude just doesn't deliver

We all appreciate Phad's work - it's great. We just want greater consistency and less baloney. As I said in a previous post I think this is an awesome project and I hope it continues. I look forward to Phad getting back on the ball and doing a good job, as he always has, albeit more consistently

Gee, I'd hate to see it if you were attacking him! After that you made a well-intentioned effort to get things back on track and posted, "Phad are you still taking requests?" and made 16 requests.

Okay. We're all different. We come from different cultures, have different personalities. I confess to scratching my head and thinking we may have different ideas of how to treat people to get the results we want.

But maybe this week's airing of grievences will usher in a season of festivus. :)
BTW Phad, Festivus would be an ideal time for any pole-themed release. ;)


I want to remind you guys that almost every single juicy update could be sold a la carte as a zipset like before, $14.99-29.99. Plus it could be released at whatever pace fits with our production. I've been trying to be great to the long-suffering Kari fans and keep the Ultimate Collection cheap, but you're convincing me to look at that option again.

It's cheaper for the people who are only interested in one particular thing, but unfortunately very expensive for the people who want it all.

Dude i just rejoined and this kind of prima donna attitude is unacceptable. I can cancel at anytime. Please don't act like a child and pretend you are "doing us a favor". As you have said over and over, it's a business. Be professional and/or just not a dick


With your attitude you might as well be donating money to a charity in Phad's name. Most people aren't attacking Phad at all. They are suggesting he is being misleading with his JOB duties. As in he is verbally/textually selling one thing (product releases) and then providing excuses as to why products weren't released on time. It's simply awful business and he would be fired if he had an employer/supervisor. If this were a face-to-face business transaction I would never do business with them again because they have proven unreliable time and time again. Actions always speak louder than words/text. The dude just doesn't deliver

We all appreciate Phad's work - it's great. We just want greater consistency and less baloney. As I said in a previous post I think this is an awesome project and I hope it continues. I look forward to Phad getting back on the ball and doing a good job, as he always has, albeit more consistently

Friendly emphasis in the following quote were added by me:

Gee, I'd hate to see it if you were attacking him! After that you made a well-intentioned effort to get things back on track and posted, "Phad are you still taking requests?" and made 16 requests.

Okay. We're all different. We come from different cultures, have different personalities. I confess to scratching my head and thinking we may have different ideas of how to treat people to get the results we want.

But maybe this week's airing of grievences will usher in a season of festivus. :)
BTW Phad, Festivus would be an ideal time for any pole-themed release. ;)

There's a difference between a character attack and explaining why certain behavior is unacceptable. I did not say, "FUCK U FUCKER PHAD FUCKING FUCKER FUCKLER!!!!" Nor did I say, "BARLEE FUCKING BLOWS PHAD B/C HES A FUCKER!!!". Instead I was very direct in suggesting that Phad has not given the project an honest effort. You also leave out the entire 2nd paragraph which is nothing but compliments
I want to remind you guys that almost every single juicy update could be sold a la carte as a zipset like before, $14.99-29.99. Plus it could be released at whatever pace fits with our production. I've been trying to be great to the long-suffering Kari fans and keep the Ultimate Collection cheap, but you're convincing me to look at that option again.
You won't do it.
You won't do it.

:facepalm: Can we all agree that, at the moment when he's most tired, most irritated, at the end of what he's told us has been a demanding, challenging month... might not be the time to throw down a dare? Dare Phad to make his own life easier? Dare him to do something he enjoys only when he has time to enjoy doing it? Dare him to not have to deal with cranky, frustrated (for legitimate reasons), demanding members?

There's something about human motivation and the art of negotiation that seems to be missing here.

Dammit, I swore I was not going to get into all this again!


:facepalm: Can we all agree that, at the moment when he's most tired, most irritated, at the end of what he's told us has been a demanding, challenging month... might not be the time to throw down a dare? Dare Phad to make his own life easier? Dare him to do something he enjoys only when he has time to enjoy doing it? Dare him to not have to deal with cranky, frustrated (for legitimate reasons), demanding members?

There's something about human motivation and the art of negotiation that seems to be missing here.

Dammit, I swore I was not going to get into all this again!

more emotional than a woman and your whole "phad can do no wrong" schtick is tired already