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  • feet.gif
    109.5 KB · Views: 1,132
Holy shit, so the 30/month isn't enough huh? Members should pay an additional 20 on another site?

I'm confused on what the members get.
so what's the story? can we really see it or is one of those bullshit zips they produce where they put stars over stickers like one of the old Brooke Marks zips they did. I don't mind payin $20, but not if I'm gonna get ripped off like I did in the past.
Don't waste your money on this zipset it doesn't show anything!!!!! She has either the clover leafs or coins covering the goods, no nudity at all big disappointment.
Don't waste your money on this zipset it doesn't show anything!!!!! She has either the clover leafs or coins covering the goods, no nudity at all big disappointment.

It's sad to say but I almost knew it in advance :( Knowing Felix history, I was VERY suspicious towards this zipset and it turns out I Was right to do so > >
Yeah don't waste your money on this zipset, it's faulty advertising once again with felix. She doesn't show anything. I'm going to do a charge back on my credit card, what a waste of money. Had my hopes up but once again Felix has deeply dissapointed another Kari fan (me) This whole set should have gone onto her regular members site. No tits or gash in this set.