Kamala Harris should be expelled from the senate.

This sorry cunt is blatantly advocating violating the law and encouraging impeding law enforcement from doing their job.


She was one of the top law enforcement officials in the state of California as AG and sits as a member of a body that makes our laws.

The good news for conservatives is that she doesn’t seem to mind showing her true colors so only the far left fringe would ever vote for her as president.

She has been poking at Jeff Sessions since she joined the senate. Maybe the U.S. Marshals need to pay her a visit.

God I hate this whore!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Maybe she needs a good ass whoopin from an illegal that belongs to a gang. Maybe when her eyes are swollen shut, along with a broken jaw, so she can't spew her vile disregard for the legal immigration system, she'll realize her place as a SERVANT of the people. Unfortunately, she serves in a state that sucks the illegal cock, and has no regard for law abiding tax paying citizens.

Enter Johan in 3 2 1...................
They are touting her as the female Obama.
Back in 2004 when I first became aware of him, I immediately knew that he had the charisma and the ability to draw crowds. She has nothing anywhere close to the charm that Obama has.
She could only carry the most liberal of states.


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Staff member
let's not forget who Kamala Harris is


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