Why is k a z a a so gay? It's almost impossible to download vids from that program. Does anyone else know a program like it that is good? I even bought ka za a premium and my downloads are still slow.
Don't know how you can say that, what do you expect for free porn??!! Some can download in an hour or so, you have to have patience.

It's all hit and miss but I cannot say a bad thing about it. Are you on K@@za Lite++ as ths is the quickest (I think) and puts you ahead in ques.
Yeah, I have NO problems downloading with K A Z A A Lite. Anything from clips to complete movies can be found if you have a little patience.
Perhaps you don't understand how a P2P network works.

The available files will change every second depending on who's logged in and who's not. Also, every user can choose which files he does and does not want to share.

Additionally, if you have a lightning fast connection, but you want a file that is available by one and only one user who is on a 56K connection, then you're getting the file at 56K not the speed of your cable modem.

You also may not be searching effectivly. Put in names of pornstars and specific things you want.