And much love right back at ya! I probably should have just ignored it but I'll tell ya...You can call me can call me can even call me a slut..and I can take it in stride....hell I make fun of myself on the bloopers thread...none of those things challenge my character...but a scammer....ohhhhh

Anybody who called you old or ugly would be blind or just plain stupid you have a very pretty and interesting face and a museum worthy ass and abs! seriously you can tell a lot of work goes into your body and its worth it.
True and funny story, My girl is gone overseas for three months so I was surfing for porn like three days ago, I saw your pic on some lame link site but no matter how many times I clicked on it I couldnt get it to go to that site, I joined here in hopes of finding out who that amazing looking woman was and another member posted your name. lol so then I find out that you actually have your own website and that you post here of all places. That was cool.
anyway just wnated to let you know that you sharing your life does not go unappreciated, so stay the course, those who would judge you probably aren't paragons of virtue behind closed doors and most likely are jealous that you are so open and enjoying your life. I can't see how being open about your sexuality will dmage your child, its not like she is going to find out until she is old enough to understand anyway, its far more damaging to have parents who don't care and judging from your blog its obvious that you care about E.
Anyway thanks again and I hope you continue to prosper.
from your fan in alberta Canada.