Just plain better "before" the "after"?

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:wave: Me again :D Another thought...

Does anyone else think Star Jones looked 100% better before her surgery and weight loss? I think she was very pretty and well proportioned before, not sloppy unkempt fat. Since her "makeover" she looks horrible, disproportioned and sickly. Her head looks way to big for her body now. I think some people are just meant to be heavier.

I wish everyone to be healthy, but its my understanding that many overweight people have less problems than some thin ones. That just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they can't be healthy. I think if there are no really obvious health problems and the person is active and happy, they should be happy with the way they are.

Any thoughts?

Besides the puck smiley?
I think she looked bad before and after. But I'd have to say that she looks much better than she did before.

She looked like a balloon ready to be popped before she had the surgery...

Also, are you telling me that her obesity was well within the realm of a healthy or even ok diagnosis?
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freemonger said:
I think she looked bad before and after. But I'd have to say that she looks much better than she did before.

She looked like a balloon ready to be popped before she had the surgery...

Also, are you telling me that her obesity was well within the realm of a healthy or even ok diagnosis?

I would of of course have no way of knowing that. I do know though that not all overweight people are unhealthy. Just as not all average "chart weight" or underweight are healthy. Many overweight people live long active healthy lives, many don't. The same goes for those with "chart" weight too.

I imho just think in her case that she now looks sickly where she looked happy and prettier before.

The title of the thread can apply to other situations too. Like Melony Griffin and the ruining of her mouth with collagen (sp) Better "before" the "after" ? I see so many ruin themselves looking for greener grass.
I think she looked better before all the weight loss too. Now she sorta looks like E.T after an all night drinking binge.
She definitely doesn't look natural, the proportions are way off. Goes to show that technology can't replace hard work and dedication to losing weight the natural way.


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arealous said:
She definitely doesn't look natural, the proportions are way off. Goes to show that technology can't replace hard work and dedication to losing weight the natural way.

That's what I was trying to get at. She is so disproportionate now it looks freaky. Large head and face that doesn't fit with the rest of her. The large size of the head and wide face tells me she was supposed to be a larger women. Maybe not as large as her heaviest weight, but large. Certainly not a skinny woman.

Look at Queen Latifah , wouldn't she look a fright at 130 lbs? :dunno:


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Who gives a shit, fame doesn't make a person important.

There are plenty of men and woman in America who are fat slobs, I care more about those, around the world, who can't feed they're baby's. Not some syndicated bitches ass. I can mange my weight and still enjoy bacon, hedonists don't matter to me, learn moderation, not attention grabbing bulimia and anorexia.


EDIT: No misplelled werds.


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4G63 said:
Who gives a shit, fame doesn't make a person important.

There are plenty of men and woman in America who are fat slobs, I care more about those, around the world, who can't feed they're baby's. Not some syndicated bitches ass. I can mange my weight and still enjoy bacon, hedonists don't matter to me, learn moderation, not attention grabbing bulimia and anorexia.


EDIT: No misplelled werds.

Wow and you have the right to speak. I will say however neither my thread or my posts weren't meant to "diss" everyday people in any way. I never said she was more important than anyone else. Or more important than starving babies, wow what a jump. It was to discuss the fact of quick fixes and enhancements that people seek always aren't for the good.

Star Jones Before / Star Jones After

I'd say looking at that picture, the after is better! :D

Seriously, the mere thought of Star Jones either way makes me cringe, but for example, one of my favorite porn stars, Carmen Hayes, did the same thing. She was perfectly thick here. Then she lost a bunch of weight and she looks sickly here.

If a woman has a thick frame, she should roll with it. Healthy is always sexier than sickly. Although there is a fine line between thick and fat.
KungFuDude said:
Star Jones Before / Star Jones After

I'd say looking at that picture, the after is better! :D

Seriously, the mere thought of Star Jones either way makes me cringe, but for example, one of my favorite porn stars, Carmen Hayes, did the same thing. She was perfectly thick here. Then she lost a bunch of weight and she looks sickly here.

If a woman has a thick frame, she should roll with it. Healthy is always sexier than sickly. Although there is a fine line between thick and fat.

EL OH EL. I stand corrected, the after definitely is better.
Before = Train Wreck

After = Alien Train Wreck



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And of course, as usual, I don't like threads which have anything to do with how bad this or that woman looks; we all know surgery can severely change someone, whether a woman is more beautiful before or after is always a matter of taste, is always in the eye of the beholder, etc...

Nice, guys. Really nice.

Thank you Fox. I would hope after reading my other posts on this board that nobody thinks this is what I was doing with this thread. I would never make fun of anyone, never. I had said before to someone after my last thread attempt that I wouldn't do anymore. Well now it is official. This is my last.

I want to make it clear that its NOT because some DISAGREE with my opinion. I can accept others opinions with respect and a open mind and am not a child. It is because once again a simple question has been twisted, mocked and looked at as everything other than it was intended."Does trying to make it better always the best thing?" Joking is one thing, I do it all the time but to purposely destroy a thread...oh forget it, doesn't matter.

I will no longer attempt to try to interact here. I will leave the threads to important issues/topics like "What 10 porn stars would you f*** on any given Tuesday?" (in your friggin minds, I might add lol) and " Who has the best ass?" the ones that are seriously interesting and fun to answer over and over for some reason. :dunno:

I simply had a thought cross my mind about how women try to make themselves better and sometimes it seems it only makes it worse. I seriously thought some of the members here were friends and would answer my inquiry and maybe even give some examples of others they feel had "messed up" by trying to make changes when they were fine to start with. Not to make fun of Star Jones.

:hatsoff: Thanks everyone

*would a mod please just lock the thread? Its obviously not worth having up*

And finally, Kung Fu, I respect you man, but since when is putting a photo of Star Jones next to an ape cool? I mean, in a world without prejudice, it might be funny, but I've heard enough monkey chants and racist cunts talking about apes and bananas thrown at my favourite african soccer players in places like Spain, so that every time I see this kind of analogy it just makes me sick. There's a history behind jokes like that, and it's not a fun one. It's good to be aware of these things before we poke our fun.

Yeah, I know, I'm whining, bitching, on my high horse, but whatever else I may be, at least I'm not branding normal sized women as obese, saying people look like E.T or a balloon, or putting pictures of apes and women next to each other. Come on here, Star, join Freeones and be an OCSM, you can see a picture of you and an ape and read about how you used to look like a balloon and now you look like E.T.

Nice, guys. Really nice.

You seriously, really need to lighten up.

First of all, if you had any idea what you were talking about with me, you would bite your toungue immediately. Second, its not a monkey, or an ape, she is standing next to...its Big Foot! Nor did I even remotely reference it in the manner you are suggesting. Further more, how does one even make the leap to a racist remark, after I posted all that about Carmen Hayes afterwards? Wtf?

Nice fox. Really nice.
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