I have to post here. Because this forum is semi-dead and us oldsters dont flame anybody for having an opinion. (unlike gamefaqs, IGN or... anywhere. At all.)
ersion of a predetermined 'thing'?! I never even used Fire1 !!! HOW AM I GETTING FIRE 2?!
Ahem, now the reason I take issue with games, in this instance JRPGs... is that they have some great feature that should be integrated into the genre, as a whole.
I call it a 1/3 issue ~ a third of the thing is fine. The other thirds, which we shall refer to as TURDS.. (AVGN homage, plz) are holding back the good stinker, up front.
Great story? Shit gameplay. (Any final fantasy, depending on your likes/dislikes)
Great gameplay? Shitty system/mechanics. (Final Fantasy's old habit of trying something new every game, regardless of how AMAZEBALLS the previous system worked)
Great everything? The console you plan it on is shit and the developers didnt quality-test the thing, its buggy and crashes. CONSTANTLY. (Skyrim, fuck you!)
Great gameplay? Forces you to grind 40 hours into a system in which you have no idea what is coming, and you cant cover all your bases by going ice/fire/lightning/earth, because each will be weak and you should've specialized... or this or that, etc. (Etrian Odyssey, where there was a game that gave you the option to specialize in lightning and ONLY 2 ENEMIES IN THE GAME HAD A WEAKNESS TO IT!)
p.s. what is with the bullshit spell names in Persona?! Agi, Dia, Bufu... ugh, grow up.
Final Fantasy games.. why does cure heal and heal cures?
Grinding? Only AZNs have that much time to spend grinding weeks for every shitty, anime-style game. End the madness, Japan.
ersion of a predetermined 'thing'?! I never even used Fire1 !!! HOW AM I GETTING FIRE 2?!
Ahem, now the reason I take issue with games, in this instance JRPGs... is that they have some great feature that should be integrated into the genre, as a whole.
I call it a 1/3 issue ~ a third of the thing is fine. The other thirds, which we shall refer to as TURDS.. (AVGN homage, plz) are holding back the good stinker, up front.
Great story? Shit gameplay. (Any final fantasy, depending on your likes/dislikes)
Great gameplay? Shitty system/mechanics. (Final Fantasy's old habit of trying something new every game, regardless of how AMAZEBALLS the previous system worked)
Great everything? The console you plan it on is shit and the developers didnt quality-test the thing, its buggy and crashes. CONSTANTLY. (Skyrim, fuck you!)
Great gameplay? Forces you to grind 40 hours into a system in which you have no idea what is coming, and you cant cover all your bases by going ice/fire/lightning/earth, because each will be weak and you should've specialized... or this or that, etc. (Etrian Odyssey, where there was a game that gave you the option to specialize in lightning and ONLY 2 ENEMIES IN THE GAME HAD A WEAKNESS TO IT!)
p.s. what is with the bullshit spell names in Persona?! Agi, Dia, Bufu... ugh, grow up.
Final Fantasy games.. why does cure heal and heal cures?
Grinding? Only AZNs have that much time to spend grinding weeks for every shitty, anime-style game. End the madness, Japan.