Joss Whedon's "Cabin in the Woods"


For the EMPEROR!!
Firefly was excellent.
Buffy was pretty good (the first few seasons, anyway).
Angel = "Gay-ngel", yeah, sounds right.
Dollhouse, watched the first few episodes and thought, "there's gotta' be something better to do than watch this tripe".


persona non grata
You'd think the guy was Michael Bay by the way some people talk about him.
Michael Bay is an awful director. He makes movies for twelve year olds who like explosions and giant robots.


Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
I bow at the alter of Whedon!
Buffy - Loved it!
Angel - Loved it!!
Dollhouse - One day I WILL find a way to fuck Eliza Dushku. When she talked to me on twitter I instantly creamed myself. It was such a pervy fangirl moment.
Tru Calling - Does NO ONE remember this but me? The Joss Whedon/Eliza Dushku team up that came a couple years BEFORE Dollhouse?

Mmmmmm now excuse me. I must go masturbate while watching hot chicks kill things...


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Meh. People will love it because it's Joss Whedon though.

see, and ive never heard of the guy until a couple weeks ago.

i better go look him up. i know hes had to have done other things besides firefly to be so popular.

Firefly would have been enough. But then there's Buffy, Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog...the reason why I hold Joss up to such a high level is his dialogue. Watch Firefly/Serenity or Dr Horrible and almost every line of dialogue is perfect. Fantastic characters, too. I'll see this film because it has Joss's name on it, as I know it'll be clever.

He's doing the screenplay and directing The Avengers as well. I know that's going to be incredible.
I bow at the alter of Whedon!
Buffy - Loved it!
Angel - Loved it!!
Dollhouse - One day I WILL find a way to fuck Eliza Dushku. When she talked to me on twitter I instantly creamed myself. It was such a pervy fangirl moment.
Tru Calling - Does NO ONE remember this but me? The Joss Whedon/Eliza Dushku team up that came a couple years BEFORE Dollhouse?

Mmmmmm now excuse me. I must go masturbate while watching hot chicks kill things...

I don't think Whedon did Tru Calling.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Check out Dollhouse. Recently, others around here said they didn't like it, but I sure did.

I liked dollhouse. He had Felicia Day in it. That always wins with me. ;-)

You'd think the guy was Michael Bay by the way some people talk about him.

Joss doesn't skim by with loads of explosions, special effects, and stunt actors. He actually uses his actor to tell a story.

But, on the flip side, Joss is kind of like Kevin Smith. You either really love it or you hate it. Firefly, Dollhouse, Dr Horrible, Toy Story, X-Men, Serenity, are in the love it category for me. Ok, we can throw in Alien resurrection though that's not really my thing.

Buffy was OK for the first few seasons, never cared much for Angel, Roseanne was a 'meh'...if it was the only thing on I didn't mind it type thing. I never watched the office and I fucking hate Glee.
They have Thor with them. He will protect them with is Hammer :D
Dr Horribles sing along was...horrible. I can't believe people like that garbage. Watch Bad Boys. That shit is funny.
Firefly was excellent.
Buffy was pretty good (the first few seasons, anyway).
Angel = "Gay-ngel", yeah, sounds right.
Dollhouse, watched the first few episodes and thought, "there's gotta' be something better to do than watch this tripe".

And that,ultimately,is what Dollhouse failed.FOX made them put some lame ass episodes on in the very first three or four episodes,but by then,a huge amount of people gave up on the show.It really wasn't until maybe the 6th episode that the show really got good and started showing the real direction of what the show was really about.

I can't say that I blame people for jumping ship considering how the episodes were aired,but I would say that it's definitely worth watching all the way through.