Nope, a fellow poster hooked me up with a rip and a screenshot. Thanks though.


I guess most of us want to see at least the screenshot or any hints on the whereabout of Jordan's "nipple-video", otherwise it will remain an urban myth.

As said before, please share your wealth.


Jordan's "nipple-video", otherwise it will remain an urban myth.

Talking about myths, God is a myth, nobody has ever seen him, and still there are thousands of believers around the globe.

This analogy fits perfectly as seeing Jordan's nipples feels like witnessing Heaven's glory!
Como la canción de Christian Castro; “el culpable soy yo, el culpable soy yoooo”
No need for despair, the last resort is to do a topless Jordan!
Keep praying! And ask God!
The nipple slip was indeed very real,but pin-up files must have realized their slip up and took it down.

The last few seconds in the clip you can see her right nipple as she turns around with her arms over her tits. (from our pov,it's the left one)


She's beautiful though regardless, those legs, that but, pretty face, she looks awesome when she is photographed right.


She's beautiful though regardless, those legs, that but, pretty face, she looks awesome when she is photographed right.

Never made a link on this site, but HOLY FUCK!!!!

Link didn't work, but it directed to a site that's blocked here at freeones.
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if ANYONE can get a larger HI-RES image of the middle image, you can see her NIPPPLES in the reflection!!!


No idea about the hi-res, but I blew up the image with some photoshop magic.

EDIT: Do not attach images 2nd post onwards. Link them. Read rules.

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ok i thought you would be able to see her nips better, but theres one thing we know, they WERE in the original and have been edited out, her Nipple hiding skills are getting sloppy :p

If ur in the UK, grab the most recent Zoo magazine, she is front cover in red lingerie, and a special surprise on the last pic, a side profile with her right nipple showing, ummm.
ill try to post a scan later.

Congrats on Jordan for that anyways.