that is something nobody can confirm as we can judge by looks or the ones who have met her can say because a couple of conversations, but nobody really knows. There ar many and many more girls that put money first when they choose a guy but there are few that are really good girls. Being pretty does not always make a girl being a slut
absolutely stunning! Website opens in a day and 10 hours!!!
No, that's definitely not true. She's actually a pretty straightforward, normal gal. She just happens to be smokin' hot but she's not some sugardaddy bagging golddigger.
And what else could You tell as her producer ??? That Meschif is right in his statement and that's true ??? That would be a shot in Your foot in the marketing of this model. I think we have to take her for what she is, appreciate the fact she wants to model at all and leave her private things alone.