Jolene Blaylock or Jeri Ryan?

Seven of Nine or T'Pol?

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Rey: I actually stopped watching Star Trek (Discovery?) when they started to do that soft-porn shit with Jolene and the Engineer guy (Trip?) ..
Jolene - nice nipples but couldn't act her way out of a paper bag..
Jeri all day long... if I could convince her.... and keep it out of the papers
I must admit that I'd probably have to get with Hoshi (Linda Park) before Jeri Ryan, too.... That's only because of my asian fetish :nanner: :nanner: :nanner:



Damn right👍


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I'll vote for Jolene Blaylock in this poll.


But if you go back to classic Star Trek? The TV show with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy then you have to consider this lady ...

What about this dark horse candidate and my write in vote? ... Susan Oliver as Vina from The Menagerie with Jeffrey Hunter/Sean Kinney as Captain Pike:


Honorable mention to Grace Lee Whitney as Yeoman Janice Rand ...

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