Job Offer / Reference Request

This has never happened to me before- but I was emailed an offer letter to work for a company- but one of the requirements is a reference request. Why would they do that after the fact, and not beforehand? I don't know if I have any quality "professional" ones- I was fired from my last job - my boss was sort of a prick. I don't really want to use him, but might not have a choice. I am in a temporary job now - and I don't want to use my current boss as one for obvious reasons, although she is cool and would give me rave reviews. Do companies really check afterwards, and has anyone had job offer withdrawn because of bad references? I'm a bit concerned- I do want this other job. Any input would be appreciated.


Closed Account
I'll answer the last question first. I have been on interview panels where the job references were not the interviewee's strong points. It was not the main reason for not hiring but a contributing factor. It is also depending on the reason you were fired. Stealing, excessive tardiness would be red flags.I would recommend being as forthright as possible. I've had/have "difficult" bosses, if pushed I've used personal differences, other opportunities than what I really felt. Most interviewers will be able to read between the lines. While I understand why you do not want to your current boss to know most of the jobs I had asked my most current boss questions on my qualifications. So not knowing your boss, since the job you currently have is temporary, it might be better coming from you than learning from a phone call. Good Luck to you.


what the fuck you lookin at?
A porn forum is the absolute best place to seek advice in such matters! :clap:
The good news is that they are interested enough to request it. You can bet your ass they are going to check it out so make sure it is the best one you can give and be as forthright as possible.. Congratulations on the possibility of landing employment. Especially in this economy. I hope you get the position.


Your reference(s) don't have to be your boss(es). How about coworkers, former coworkers, people you deal with on the phone, people you've networked with, be creative.
Your reference(s) don't have to be your boss(es). How about coworkers, former coworkers, people you deal with on the phone, people you've networked with, be creative.
This is correct howie. Just give them any telephone number you want from someone you trust. Best would indeed be your formal boss, but if he really was such a prick as you say, just take someone else. At the other hand, why not giving the number of your current boss? After all it's just a temporary job.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
A porn forum is the absolute best place to seek advice in such matters! :clap:

If you can fish through the juvenile answers, why not? We have a lot of professionals on this board who can offer loads of great advice.