Jewish Female Porn Stars in The Industry


I am not faulting the originator of this thread, but:

I hope I live to see the day when one's religious background is completely irrelavent.

Of course I highly doubt it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
how is one born a jew? youre not born a christian or a catholic. :dunno:

To save you the time.. in case you havent already looked into it.. you're jewish if your mother is a jew. Not the same if your dad is. Only on the mom's side.

BUUUUT.. one of the further arguments on the subject is.. well what makes your MOTHER a jew?

Then again.. if your jewish.. you know the discussions, loopholes and revisions of old rules and .. aw hell, it just never ends. But I wouldnt change religions for simpler beliefs any day.


Closed Account
how is one born a jew? youre not born a christian or a catholic. :dunno:

You are born a Jew the same way you are born Porto Rican, German or Italian. I think the thread just isn't clear on what is being asked. I took it as wanting names of those born Jewish, having nothing to do with if they are practicing Judaism.
Here,I'll post the link again.Please read before responding.:rolleyes:

It didn't clear anything up for me. It too talks of those that have converted, yet you say you won't count them.

I am not faulting the originator of this thread, but:

I hope I live to see the day when one's religious background is completely irrelavent.

Of course I highly doubt it.

Amen McR (no pun intended) That's why I guess I saw it as a request for Jewish stars, not unlike asking for Italian or Asian. Not stars that are into Judaism or Catholic stars. Then after his answers I got confused. That's nothing new though, lol. So I'll go with the flow.

On Topic, I don't know of any others, but good luck.



Center of the fothermucking universe
I'm sure there's quite a few, many do the pornsatr name change.

But I'm not going to continue because soon the stereotypes will surface, that's a whole other kettle of gefilte!

You are born a Jew the same way you are born Porto Rican, German or Italian. I think the thread just isn't clear on what is being asked. I took it as wanting names of those born Jewish, having nothing to do with if they are practicing Judaism.

It didn't clear anything up for me. It too talks of those that have converted, yet you say you won't count them.

Amen McR (no pun intended) That's why I guess I saw it as a request for Jewish stars, not unlike asking for Italian or Asian. Not stars that are into Judaism or Catholic stars. Then after his answers I got confused. That's nothing new though, lol. So I'll go with the flow.

On Topic, I don't know of any others, but good luck.

At least there are some people out there who get it.Thanks for the back up.About the link not clearing anything up, all you have to do is read the first sentence that refers to jews as an ethnic people.That's all I was trying to point out,that not only is it a religion but an ethnicity as well.

Here is an example;the Jews that were in Poland before and during WWII were not Jewish only because of their religious beliefs.And those who were born in Poland were only considered Polish by nationality and Jewish by ethnicity(hence the term Polish Jews).The same goes for other terms such as African/American,Scots/Irish,and so on and so forth.

It was not my intention to kill the spirit of this thread,but I just wanted to help to clear a couple of thing up for the less enlightened.
Now back to your regularly scheduled porn.:)
Cherie's GREAT


To clear up confusion - I was talking about converts and seculars and orthodox and tradition and reform and atheists who were born jewish and ... you get the picture :glugglug:

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No offense to anyone but no one is born Jewish (or any other religion). And you are not officially 'Jewish' in my opinion until you are at least a teenager and decide for yourself which religion you want to 'be' (if any). And if you choose the Jewish faith; then and only then are 'you' Jewish.

I care not what the Jewish religion states - no one is born any religion - including Jewish. No matter what your parents 'are'.


Jewish is an ethnic group.

Judaism is the religion most often practiced by Jews.

One can be ethnically Jewish and be a practicing Catholic, just as one can be ethnically French and be a practicing Catholic, or African-American and be a practicing Jew (Sammy Davis Jr.).

Try as hard as I might, I cannot change my spots, so I, for example, could never be Jewish, but I could practice Judaism.

I don't see why this is so hard.

I think the idea of the thread is to see links to models who fit the ethnic description of Jewish (large as that may be!).


Jewish is an ethnic group.

Judaism is the religion most often practiced by Jews.

One can be ethnically Jewish and be a practicing Catholic, just as one can be ethnically French and be a practicing Catholic, or African-American and be a practicing Jew (Sammy Davis Jr.).

Try as hard as I might, I cannot change my spots, so I, for example, could never be Jewish, but I could practice Judaism.

I don't see why this is so hard.

I think the idea of the thread is to see links to models who fit the ethnic description of Jewish (large as that may be!).

From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Main Entry: Ju·da·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈjü-dē-ˌi-zəm, ˈjü-də-, ˈjü-(ˌ)dā-, British also ˈjü-ˌdi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : a religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and characterized by belief in one transcendent God who has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions
2 : conformity to Jewish rites, ceremonies, and practices
3 : the cultural, social, and religious beliefs and practices of the Jews
4 : the whole body of Jews : the Jewish people

Not that I love to disagree with the head honcho of FreeOnes chat area but Judaism (and all religions) are not ethnic groups. They are strictly beliefs in higher powers. Nothing more.
No one is born any religion. There is no such thing as Jewish blood.
It really gives me the creeps when people say there is for it was this Jewish blood (no offense) nonsense that the Nazis and others throughout the ages used to persecute the Jews.
Religion is a choice. Not an ethnicity.
I think what he was trying to say is that by definition Jewish and Judaism are different things and not mutually inclusive even though they are related in most cases. Jewish is technically a term that describes an ethnic group. I'm sure the term has it's origin in the religion Judaism that most of them adhere to in the past and now. It might seem strange at first because ethnically most groups of people are identified more with the area they came from and not the religion they practiced. It might be because many of them moved around a lot and keep a lot of their own culture while doing so and the fact throughout history they didn't have a country like other groups did that the ethnic group came to be associated like it has.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Not that I love to disagree with the head honcho of FreeOnes chat area but Judaism (and all religions) are not ethnic groups. They are strictly beliefs in higher powers. Nothing more.
No one is born any religion. There is no such thing as Jewish blood.
It really gives me the creeps when people say there is for it was this Jewish blood (no offense) nonsense that the Nazis and others throughout the ages used to persecute the Jews.
Religion is a choice. Not an ethnicity.

You havent been to Brooklyn, have you? There's an obvious ethnic majority. Same with Israel. The nose.. black hair..a tad bit darker than everybody else.. can grow a full beard in 10 minutes.. overrepresented in the medical, lawyer and accountant fields... historically persecuted in every country we've been to(thats right, Germany was only the LAST country to kick us out violently)...a belief that we're the chosen people... stereotypically funny and greedy.

Now if you wanna believe that someone isnt what their "blood" is.. maybe you oughta look at the latest statistics and studies on genetic differences between people of different religions, countries and sexes. We're all from different *tribes* and share certain similiarities in more than superficial ways. Now in keeping with common sense.. if you dont want to believe in some mystical prophecy that we'll be hated throughout our existence.. well hell, just look at history. The evidence suggests there is a deep abiding hate for us that seems to rise everywhere.

Honestly.. there just isnt any refuge. There isnt a single hate group that likes.. or at least tolerates my jewish brethren. Strange, I think. Like.. the KKK in America. ::puts on my deliverance voice::

"I hates me some ni****s!" Yeah.. we knew that. Stop hanging so many people in the 1800s. Whats with the burning crosses, btw?

"Oh! And jews!" WTF! Where'd that one come from? We didnt arrive on slave ships. We're not violent, uneducated or speak in a strange dialect. We run your banks and newspapers! Give you wholesale prices! Take it easy!

Same with most groups. They hate the opposing factions. And jews.

They fight for their land. Plus killing the sneaky yid is fun.

It's just.. either a huge coincidence that we're hated, eh?

Speaking from personal experience, I've never had a positive reaction by telling someone I'm Jewish. Mediocre at best. Here in the midwest I'll often get the "Accept Jesus as your savior" speech at least a couple times a year.
I didn't know this was still going! Oh thanks Zell for going off on me because I was partially wrong. Read your links and find you're partially wrong too. Converts are included in your definitions of Jewish.
I'll admit, Zell, I was wrong. Being Jewish is not just a religion. But I also said it wasn't a nationality. Which it isn't. Being a nationality requires a nation. Your links describe an ethnicity. Obviously converts to the religion should be posted here. Are they not Jewish? Even your sources say converts are also considered Jewish.

the jews do have their own nation. too bad the other people wont leave it. ;)
sorry iaf I changed my far as my original post...i was considering that being jewish has nothing to do with being born in israel...not everyone born there is jewish, in other words
Everyone is missing the point!! Syncmaster just told us that Naomi is Jewish and she's fucking HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


You havent been to Brooklyn, have you? There's an obvious ethnic majority. Same with Israel. The nose.. black hair..a tad bit darker than everybody else.. can grow a full beard in 10 minutes.. overrepresented in the medical, lawyer and accountant fields... historically persecuted in every country we've been to(thats right, Germany was only the LAST country to kick us out violently)...a belief that we're the chosen people... stereotypically funny and greedy.
How you look has nothing to do with your religion and everything to do with your parents and where they and their parents are from.

Speaking from personal experience, I've never had a positive reaction by telling someone I'm Jewish. Mediocre at best. Here in the midwest I'll often get the "Accept Jesus as your savior" speech at least a couple times a year.

Well, I am not Jewish and I have more respect for people that are Jewish, not less.
All they/you as a religious group have accomplished after all the crap they/you have been through?
I regret that people are still so pathetic as to give you negative reactions strictly on the basis of your religion.


I think what he was trying to say is that by definition Jewish and Judaism are different things and not mutually inclusive even though they are related in most cases. Jewish is technically a term that describes an ethnic group. I'm sure the term has it's origin in the religion Judaism that most of them adhere to in the past and now. It might seem strange at first because ethnically most groups of people are identified more with the area they came from and not the religion they practiced. It might be because many of them moved around a lot and keep a lot of their own culture while doing so and the fact throughout history they didn't have a country like other groups did that the ethnic group came to be associated like it has.

The following is the definition of 'ethnic' from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Main Entry: 1eth·nic
Pronunciation: 'eth-nik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin ethnicus, from Greek ethnikos national, gentile, from ethnos nation, people; akin to Greek Ethos custom -- more at SIB
2 a : of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background <ethnic minorities> <ethnic enclaves> b : being a member of a specified ethnic group <an ethnic German> c : of, relating to, or characteristic of ethnics <ethnic neighborhoods> <ethnic foods>

All of the highlighted examples (except religion) are set. You cannot change your race, country of origin, tribe of origin, first learned language or your origin or background.
But religion is a choice. A club. The second you no longer believe it; you are, in essence, no longer part of it. It is not a scar or an un-removable tattoo. It is a belief - nothing more.
So I was techically wrong to earlier type: 'Religion is a choice. Not an ethnicity.'
But it is an ethnicity that anyone should be able to become or abandon whenever they choose.
Being Jewish is no more 'ethnic' - IMO - then being a die hard fan of a particular sports team. It can be changed any time at the whim of the 'believer'.