Jesus Christ

Here are some facts about him.

You forgot the most important fact. There is not one piece of evidence outside of the bible that he even existed.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It is just a decision who you pick as your role model.

As we generally can't know with 100% safety that even we ourselves are not just a dream within a dream, and you might as well pick Odin, Gandalf, Mr. Clean or Venus...

It's all good.

Ze Fly says: Jesus was a nice guy, but he had terrible dandruff.
You forgot the most important fact. There is not one piece of evidence outside of the bible that he even existed.

its funny, even muhammad met jesus and moses in the night journey (ridding al buraq). I dont think muhammad has myopia
You forgot the most important fact. There is not one piece of evidence outside of the bible that he even existed.

It is just a decision who you pick as your role model.

As we generally can't know with 100% safety that even we ourselves are not just a dream within a dream, and you might as well pick Odin, Gandalf, Mr. Clean or Venus...

It's all good.

Any secular person can not stand in place of Jesus and if we follow false leader we are on the way to perdition.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If you insist that Jesus is real, you must prove that by posting a picture with him and you and an issue of today's papers.

If not, that is proof you don't even know him that close.

Where are the pictures. Better make that a video. Let me hear him say your name.
You forgot the most important fact. There is not one piece of evidence outside of the bible that he even existed.

Even as an atheist, I have to call you wrong on that one. Several Roman and Jewish historians (Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Young, Suetonus, etc.) from the Ist century have mentioned Jesus in their writings.
It does not certify the claim that Jesus was the son of God but it certifies the fact that, around 0 AC a some kind of prophet rose from the jewish population, that he was very revered by some jews who used to call him Christ and that they keep on revering him after he was sentenced to death and crucified by Pilate
If you insist that Jesus is real, you must prove that by posting a picture with him and you and an issue of today's papers.

If not, that is proof you don't even know him that close.

Where are the pictures. Better make that a video. Let me hear him say your name.

Jesus is Lord, he is in heaven and I'm in the planet earth.

Even as an atheist, I have to call you wrong on that one. Several Roman and Jewish historians (Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Young, Suetonus, etc.) from the Ist century have mentioned Jesus in their writings.
It does not certify the claim that Jesus was the son of God but it certifies the fact that, around 0 AC a some kind of prophet rose from the jewish population, that he was very revered by some jews who used to call him Christ and that they keep on revering him after he was sentenced to death and crucified by Pilate

That's true and anyone can go and explore this ship which is mentioned in the Bible.


(Noah's ark)

those writings are later exposed as forgeries

Jesus is the world's most famous person and he appears in thousands of stories.

Are they all fantasy?

I do not think so.
Jesus is Lord, he is in heaven and I'm in the planet earth.

That's true and anyone can go and explore this ship which is mentioned in the Bible.


(Noah's ark)

Jesus is the world's most famous person and he appears in thousands of stories.

Are they all fantasy?

I do not think so.

First of all that is not an ark, it's a outcropping of rock. Secondly, if Jesus was so famous, why are there no records from his supposed lifetime? Any texts are from decades later and most of them have been redacted.
I'm a Pastafarian:

  • Spaghetti provably exists, and it tastes absolutely fantastic with marinara and meatballs.
  • We know that things on Earth can fly, including pasta, birds, and drug users.
  • Monsters are real, such as Killer Tomatoes and Aphrodite.
Ergo, The Flying Spaghetti Monster exists; the logic is irrefutable. His Noodly Appendage is out there, somewhere, contemplating all of us. He watches and waits for the inevitable moment in time at which each of us shall join Him and bathe blissfully in the sublime deliciousness of His Lake of Marinara amidst His Noodles ... forever and ever.


Disclaimer: The FSM may or may not actually be :cthulhu:. Consult your local Italian restaurant for authoritative spiritual advice. Getting this wrong could result in an eternity of being devoured, digested, excreted, and eaten again with no possibility of dying and no pasta to be found.

BTW, do not consult the pasta priests at Olive Garden: they lie -- in wait, in words, and in the sink (filled with marinara, natch, the blasphemers!) on the job. They're just terrible, so please don't. The pah-riests at Carrabba's are acceptable Chakotay spirit guides in lieu of genuine unchained Italian pah-riests.
I'm a Pastafarian: ...
Apparently no one else has a sense of humor around here. That entire post is intended to be humorous.

- "pah-riests" -- Star Trek: DS9 reference (Pah-wraiths)
- Chakotay and spirit guide -- Star Trek: Voyager reference
- Some people on drugs believe they can fly and leap off tall buildings.
- "Killer Tomatoes" is a reference to the "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" movie.
- Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love (among other things). "Love is blind," and she'd have to be a monster if she existed.

I shouldn't need to explain the FSM and Cthulhu, at least.
Apparently no one else has a sense of humor around here. That entire post is intended to be humorous.

I shouldn't need to explain the FSM and Cthulhu, at least.

I have a sense of humor, but my understanding of the English language is very poor.

This joke is not a sin:

A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"
Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping".