Re: Jessica Simpson shows her boobies for once and not a horrible movie

First of all...stop starting a new Fucking thread, use the damn search button....And to be honest you dont even have to use the search button, just scroll down in the Celebrity News section, and you'll see her thread there.

Second, this link does not show full frontal nudity, its a see thru of a dress
Re: Jessica Simpson shows her boobies for once and not a horrible movie

Jessica Simpson’s last two movies have been complete and utter failures by any reasonable definition, but she does want to continue acting, and that can only mean one thing.

Full frontal nudity.

more about this story and some nice pictures here too...i know these are old but its helps one imagine how great Jessica would look naked
Wow, these new pitures of her make me happy!
thanks for they pics guys. I just love her titties... I wish someone could get some topless or nudes of her.. That would be sweeeeeeeet