How do you guys know about her going back to school, and american accent isnt she american?
twitter (before she deleted her account) and yes she is American
How do you guys know about her going back to school, and american accent isnt she american?
Take a look at her left forearm in the 9th picture of this set, and also her upper left thigh. Kind of looks like she is/was a "cutter," no?
It looks like a scar of an arm surgery. Maybe she broken her arm.
Well she's currently listed @ IdealImageManagement. So maybe she didn't actually retire after that horrible LetsTryAnal scene where she just cried in pain the whole time and then seemed to fall of the map afterwards. Maybe her booty just needed some time to heal up before she gave it another go.
Thanks you for you help my friend. That is scene I have already. letstryanal is sub site of for letstryanal