I found this busty babe, Jesica Moore, she is from Hungary.

Jessica Moore - Sexy curves.

Jessica Moore - Info.

Before opening this thread, I used the button of search, but not find anything under the name Jessica Moore, in the forum Find Your Favourite Babe.
Please if in this forum Find Your Favourite Babe, someone opened earlier a thread with this model, I give my excuses in advance.
You're right, she does live in Hungary! I met her on the metro one morning on my way to work!!! What a fucking rack she's got!!!!!!!
I'm not THAT into LIVE webcam stuff but I joined this site where Jessica Moore performs now and then, I don't think she's there too often but I have seen her twice the last few weeks. To get a free chat longer than a minute is almost impossible, a "private" chat is USD2.49 a minute, but there could be other guys watching/chatting with her too. It's kinda cool too to chat to a pornstar and then ask her to do stuff that turns you on...and she actually does it for you! :)


Alias: JessicaMooreX